宅男Based on the book by Naoki Higashida this immersive film explores the experiences of nonspeaking autistic people around the world.
宅男Based on the book by Naoki Higashida this immersive film explores the experiences of nonspeaking autistic people around the world.
回复 :一个麻烦缠身的前海军陆战队队员开始了最后一个任务,就是要报复四个抢了他唯一美丽东西的人。
回复 :警探本•卡森(Kiefer Sutherland 基弗•萨瑟兰 饰)因枪杀同事被迫从纽约警察局提前退休,他的婚姻也随之破裂。落魄的本暂住在妹妹安琪(Amy Smart 饰)的公寓里,终日借酒浇愁。一段时间沉沦过后,本重抖精神,找到了一份保安的工作。他所供职的五月花购物商场五年前曾被大火毁于一旦,令他倍感奇怪的是,在这座焦黑的建筑物中,那一面面镜子却格外明亮。数日后,本在商场的镜子上发现奇怪的手印,而次日亦在妹妹家的镜子上见到恐怖的景象。接下来的日子里,恐怖事件接连发生……
回复 :It showcases what happened in 1993 in Waco, Texas when cult leader David Koresh faced off against the federal government in a siege of 51 days.