回复 :保罗五年来一直无法完成博士论文,又一直搞不清楚自己是要当教授还是作家;与相处十年的女友艾丝塔,他既无法继续共同生活,又无法与之真正分手。他在消极的生活中寻求自己的所需,努力要跨过“三十而立”的门槛。最后他做出了自己的决定,他周围的同事和朋友也解决了各自的问题,关系暂时理顺,生活依然继续。
回复 :罗德良与妻子梅永芳于战乱中失散,为了女儿小芳得到照顾,另娶贤淑的赵结娴,育有一子继祖。数年后,小芳恰巧入读芳任教的学校,夫妻因而重逢,芳为亲近女儿替小芳补习。娴不知就里,见丈夫和芳情态暖昧,以为二人私通,大发雷霆。后芳为救祖被汽车撞伤,娴得知丈夫往事,深感歉疚,决定离开香港。良和芳知道后赶到码头,三人冰释前嫌,良,娴四口之家和睦如昔,芳则坚持独身,献身教育。
回复 :After the divorce, Lisa was left with two children. Soon she meets a woman who is called her relative and says that their family has a family curse and that Lisa's boys are in mortal danger. Lisa refuses to believe in superstitious fears, but later strange visions begin to visit her, and she realizes that the curse turns out to be real. Now she must save her children from evil at any cost.