回复 :Astronomer Bill Whitley is so preoccupied with the new comet he's discovered that his time at the observatory sometimes comes at the expense of his beautiful wife, Vicky. When the neglected spouse becomes influenced by an eccentric neighbor into believing in the power of astrology, she subscribes to a weekly horoscope from a phony seer, the appropriately named Margaret Sybill. When the beautiful Mrs. Whitley reads that a new dream man will be coming soon into her life, she assumes he's taken the form of Lloyd Hunter, a handsome and dashing foreign correspondent who doubles as the neighborhood air raid warden. A frantic Bill realizes that he's going to have to keep closer track of his earthbound heavenly body if he's going to keep the prediction from becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
回复 :境外东南亚某海域,著名安保集团旗下的赤霄安保小组接受任务,前往境外被野狼非法控制的玛泽岛解救被非法囚禁的史文森,与此同时,野狼的同伙、狡猾的毒枭梁一川整容后换上了史文森的面孔,一是为死去的弟弟复仇,更重要的是,他冒用他人身份更具欺骗性和隐蔽性。这是一次艰苦卓绝的战斗,安全官们冲破重重阻力,冒着生命危险解救史文森的同时,也解救了野狼以游戏名义囚禁的所有选手。
回复 :基于Karlene Faith 所著纪实文学《The Long Prison Journey of Leslie van Houten: Life Beyond The Cult》和Ed Sanders所著小说《The Family》,讲述在震惊世界的曼森谋杀案发生后,三位曼森家族的成员Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel和Susan Atkins被判终身监禁,研究生Faith被派去监狱对她们进行教导,三人将重新审视噩梦般的罪行。