十年前,草莓DB跨国影业”英雄改良计划”秘密实施,草莓初代机中唯一的究极体001号意外从基地中失忆逃脱,在十年后,扮演着一个拥有浮夸演技的影视偶像--中队。 老牌超级英雄纷纷被外来英雄取代,中队也不例外。遭遇人生惨败的中队心灰意冷,终日以酒度日。偶然,中队发现了自己体内强大的力量,背负起光复英雄的使命,跟随呼噜帮帮主呼噜爷爷训练,对抗新的超级战士。中队虽被打倒,但是意志不灭,各路英雄纷纷被中队感动,于是重出江湖,进行了一场中日英雄大战…..
十年前,草莓DB跨国影业”英雄改良计划”秘密实施,草莓初代机中唯一的究极体001号意外从基地中失忆逃脱,在十年后,扮演着一个拥有浮夸演技的影视偶像--中队。 老牌超级英雄纷纷被外来英雄取代,中队也不例外。遭遇人生惨败的中队心灰意冷,终日以酒度日。偶然,中队发现了自己体内强大的力量,背负起光复英雄的使命,跟随呼噜帮帮主呼噜爷爷训练,对抗新的超级战士。中队虽被打倒,但是意志不灭,各路英雄纷纷被中队感动,于是重出江湖,进行了一场中日英雄大战…..
回复 :十岁时,梅(阮如琼 饰)被邻居送到西贡一大户人家当女佣。因为长得很像女主人死去的女儿,梅深受女主人的疼爱,但女主人并没因此看到生活的亮色,她的音乐家丈夫时不时就会不做交代外出数日,后来更是消失得再无踪迹。女主人的三个儿子因为整日无所事事,常拿梅寻开心,但慢慢地,他们发现家里的生气,全是由温和善良的梅带来。十年转眼而过,梅(陈女燕溪 饰)出落得更具“古典美”,女主人因支持不住家里的开销开始变卖家产,并忍痛将梅送到另一户人家当佣人。新东家是位年轻的钢琴家,他是女主人儿子的朋友,梅在年少初见他时,就曾投下过爱慕的目光,而钢琴家也在同梅的接触中,逐渐感受到她的款款温情。
回复 :Quién lo impide is a call to change our perception of adolescents and youths; our idea of those born in the early 21st century who have recently reached adulthood; those who now seem guilty of everything as they themselves see their hopes dashed. Somewhere between documentary, fiction and pure testimonial record, the young adolescents show themselves the way they really are, the way we rarely see them, or the way they let us see them: taking advantage of the film camera to show off the best of themselves and renew our trust in the future; from fragility and emotion, with humour, intelligence, beliefs and ideas. Because the young people who speak to us about love, friendship, politics or education refer not only to their own situation, but to the things that always matter to us, at any age. Quién lo impide is a film about ourselves: about what we were, what we are and what we will continue to be.
回复 :This film is not based on a real story. It is based on thousands.