回复 :1917年,第一次世界大战。愚蠢的梅棋将军(斯蒂芬·弗雷 Stephen Fry 饰)率领着英国军队奋战在前线。然而所有人都在期盼这场毫无意义的战争可以早日结束。小小的营地中,形形色色的人事百态尽在其中。无能的梅棋将军有一个趋炎附势的“得力助手”宝贝儿上尉(蒂姆·麦克纳尼 Tim McInnerny 饰),每天只知道阿谀奉承。一腔热血的乔治中尉(休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie 饰)显得过于理想化,总是幻想着可以横扫德国。而对于头脑简单的二等兵包里克(托尼·罗宾逊 Tony Robinson 饰)来说,这场战争无异于一场可怕的噩梦。以自我为中心的黑爵士上尉(罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰)看上去傲慢冷漠又尖酸刻薄,常常挖苦讽刺着身边人。无一例外的,他也在竭尽全力地摆脱这场无休止的战争。
回复 :勤工俭学一天有3份兼职的庆子(崔江熙 饰),和富二代的韩弼勋(朱元 饰)二人阴差阳错的因为一次相亲而相遇。弼勋喜欢射击、赛车和格斗,喜欢一切都够提升自己体力和身体素质的运动;而庆子则是个独立性极其强大正直无比的女性型。看似价值观很不一样的二人却共有一个梦想,那就是成为像007一般的人。二人的第二次相遇是在国情局的面试中,而二人都毫无疑问的通过的面试。于是一场既惊险又爆笑的特工故事就此正式拉开的序幕。而弼勋认为庆子是他命中注定的那个人,甚至连算命的都这么说。但通往爱情的道路毕竟不是那么简单,而工作上的惊险虽然让二人直呼过瘾,但有时也不免疲惫和令人担忧。最终,故事的走向会如何呢?
回复 :Called to the village of Midsomer Market to investigate someone's car being set on fire, Barnaby and Troy soon find themselves investigating the murder of Marjorie Empson who is found in her home bludgeoned to death. The focus of their attention is the the Reading Club, a group of five women who meet regularly not to discuss books in fact, but to manage a investment fund they have established. Two of the members were hoping to cash out their investments, but were prevented from doing so by the others. There are several other suspects, all in one way or another connected to the financial and investment world, but when a second member of the book club is killed, the police realize they may need to look for an altogether different motive.