回复 :影片讲述了隋朝末年,发丘一脉传人胡万宗在一次意外中卷入争夺真龙的阴谋,从而在太巫山开启了这段神秘的探险之旅。与胡万宗同行的还有几个身怀绝技的队友,原本众人合力便可顺利攻克古墓,没想到,这古墓的背后却暗藏惊天阴谋……
回复 :Sinbad and his crew intercept a homunculus carrying a golden tablet. Koura, the creator of the homunculus and practitioner of evil magic, wants the tablet back and pursues Sinbad. Meanwhile Sinbad meets the Vizier who has another part of the interlocking golden map, and they mount a quest across the seas to solve the riddle of the map, accompanied by a slave girl with a mysterious tattoo of an eye on her palm. They encounter strange beasts, tempests, and the dark interference of Koura along the way.
回复 :江湖中传说,有两块赌神玉牌,拥有者可以凭借玉牌召唤赌神帮助,逢赌必胜。八年前,范叔与徒弟詹永飞(王霄 饰)、鸡翼(刘德华 饰)、“亚洲第一快手”仇杰(王杰 饰)与人对赌,不料詹永飞背叛,导致范叔输掉了安身立命的豪华赌轮,并因高空坠落而下身瘫痪,仇杰也遭陷害入狱。八年后,范叔与鸡翼、小倩(吴倩莲 饰)在一艘小木船中开设赌局度日,每日为参加亚洲赌赛勤勉筹备,詹永飞获悉范叔拥有赌神玉牌,带人逼索使范叔身亡。出狱归来的仇杰面对范叔之死,只想过平常人生活意欲退出江湖,岂料詹永飞反复纠缠,设计先后令仇杰断臂、鸡翼目盲,忍无可忍的情况下,仇杰与鸡翼决定用赌来讨回公道……