回复 :A tough guy turned star. He did something others wouldn't dare. Always one step ahead of the cops and always downed a whiskey before robbing a bank. Growing up in a broken home Attila (Bence Szalay) was a troubled teenager, even spent time in a youth prison. Through a rather bizarre turn of events he escaped to Hungary from Transylvania. But his new life turned out to be much harder than the old one. He was the goal-keeper on a hockey team, but still had no money, no girlfriend; but then he found something that he's really good at. He was reckless, fast and meticulous. He started robbing post offices, banks, travel offices. The more he stole, the hungrier he got. Nothing was enough for himself and his new love (Piroska Móga). But his final job didn't go as planned and the determined investigator, (Zoltán Schneider) who's long been on his tail finally caught him and made him face the consequences. But the cop-robber game is far from over. A story of a fascinating life, full of amazing pursuits, action scenes - told through the lense of legendary director of Kontroll and Predators, Nimród Antal.
回复 :影片讲述了一位纽约钻石店老板Howard Ratner(亚当·桑德勒 饰),他嗜赌成瘾,婚姻岌岌可危,还有一个对他不忠的女友(茱莉娅·福克斯 饰)。Howard Ratner欠Arno(埃里克·博高森 饰)钱,而打手们也一直威胁着让他还钱。当他买了一块价值数百万美元的稀有的未切割埃塞俄比亚蛋白原石,他觉得自己的霉运会就此终结。这块原石本来是打算拿去拍卖的,但当波士顿凯尔特人超级球星凯文·加内特走进宝石店,希望借走这块石头——它可以给他在NBA总决赛上带来好运——的时候,事态也就越发复杂了起来。
回复 :建于70年代的顺德左滩“甘竹滩发电站”是全国唯一一个洪潮水力发电站,老余和渔业村大部分村民一样,当时参加了发电站的建设并见证了发电站几十年的兴衰,老余的儿子顺风童年就在渔村里和同村的阿德和美欣两姐弟一起快乐地度过。长大后的顺风为了在大城市里找到一个属于自己的位置,饱尝了工作上和生活上的重重压抑,他发现唯一能找到心灵的属地就是回到童年时的小渔村,虽然外面每天都发生着巨大的变化,但小渔村里的亲情、乡情和友情几十年如一日,历久常新;面对城市的繁华和渔村的单调,面对生活的现实和心灵的归属,顺风终将如何抉择……