回复 :Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own family as well. At the same time the sudden death of his best friend's daughter draws police inspector Dejan Strbac into a whirlpool of crimes, starting with the mysterious disappearance of a young female lawyer, which took place six years earlier.
回复 :风起云涌,宦官弄权的明朝末期,忠臣左光斗因弹劾奸佞魏忠贤而招致杀身之祸,满门惨死于东厂的黑暗权势之下。其女左清菡怀揣奸党贪赃枉法的证据“忠蠹名册”被锦衣卫百户方涂山所救,二人在逃避东厂追杀时,幸得路过的明教五行旗总掌旗使大邱出手相助,受伤落魄的他们由此被带入与世隔绝的桃源村。朝廷一面,东厂左右千户仇士海、狄耕为了争夺东厂督主之位明争暗斗;另一面,桃源村地处偏僻,村民均为明教教徒,虽被朝廷解散却始终奉行除恶扬善教义的明教教徒们,对突然闯入的二人抱有很大的敌意,大家开始因担心陌生人的到来可能给村子带来祸患而想方设法排挤左方二人,逼她们自己离开······
回复 :In June 2021, Marvel Studios released a casting call for fans of "Marvel's strong women" to be a part of an upcoming Disney+ documentary series showcasing the women who create the MCU in front of and behind the camera.[428] The series was titled MPower by February 2023 and was announced to premiere in its entirety on March 8, 2023