回复 :新界北区警局这天新调来了一位上司——马孝贤(马德钟 饰)。马Sir向来执法严明、一切皆按正警队规章制度办事,这可苦了原来在这里一班同事。原来,新界围村民风淳朴,有着千丝万缕的人际关系,自小在这里长大的警探瓦仔(林保怡 饰)和下属一班探员向来习惯用他们独有的手法处理这里的问题,瓦仔与这里的村民相处得更是八面玲珑,往往凭着广泛的人际关系而屡破奇案。马Sir来了之后深感这里的下属都不按规则办事,而瓦仔等人亦认为马Sir处处讲规章制度而太不近人情,双方一直摩擦不断。他们能否顺利磨合,共同齐心合力扑灭罪案?
回复 :Netflix宣布预订《十三个原因 13 Reasons》制作人Brian Yorkey负责的7集悬疑剧《双胞回声 Echoes》。Vanessa Gazy主创的《双胞回声》讲述一对同卵双胞胎Leni及Gina自小就会交换身份,一直到成年都在互相过着双重生活,共享着两个家庭﹑两位丈夫及一个孩子。但当其中一位姐妹失踪后,她们精心编织的世界将陷入混乱当中。
回复 :PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduating seniors compete in a series of challenges, winner takes all, which they believe is their one and only chance to escape their circumstances and make their lives better. But this year, the rules have changed — the pot of money is larger than ever and the game has become even more dangerous. The players will come face to face with their deepest, darkest fears and be forced to decide how much they are willing to risk in order to win.