回复 :From Oscar-nominated director Dan Krauss, The Anthrax Attacks tells the story of the 2001 anthrax attacks on the United States and one of the largest and most complex FBI investigations in the history of law enforcement. Using a combination of interviews and scripted reenactments based on emails and FBI field notes, the documentary feature also shares shocking and heartbreaking stories from investigators, survivors and the families of those who were infected. Starring Clark Gregg as Dr. Bruce Ivins, The Anthrax Attacks is a BBC Studios Production.
回复 :一日,一伙恐怖分子秘密进入我国境内意图不明。公安、国安、武警、解放军迅速决定联合作战,多方侦察下确定恐怖分子隐藏山村。特战分队抵达山村,准备引导无人机对恐怖分子隐匿建筑进行精确打击。就在无人机准备投弹时,狙击手发现恐怖分子的队伍中有数名未成年人。所有指战员怀揣着人道主义精神和中国军人的使命感一致决定修改行动方案,特战分队以雷霆万钧之势向敌发起攻击,干净利索地解决掉恐怖分子。
回复 :In 1981, two 11 year-olds in Mississippi set our to remake their favorite film: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. With the help of all their friends, it took them seven years to complete in their basement. Except one scene, the airplane scene. Thirty years later, they set out to finally finish their fan film and full realize their childhood dream. This is the story behind the making of what is known as the greatest fan film ever made.