理论《好邮差》(The Good Postman) 导演:托尼斯拉夫·赫里斯托夫(Tonislav Hristov) 芬兰/保加利亚入围2017年圣丹斯电影节世界纪录片单元
理论《好邮差》(The Good Postman) 导演:托尼斯拉夫·赫里斯托夫(Tonislav Hristov) 芬兰/保加利亚入围2017年圣丹斯电影节世界纪录片单元
回复 :"Once upon a time, before people came along, all the creatures were free and able to be with one another", narrates the voiceover. "All the animals danced together and were immeasurably happy. There was only one who wasn't invited to the celebration - the frog. In his rage about the injustice, he committed suicide." Something Romani and frogs have in common is that they will never be unseen, or stay unnoticed. In her film, young director Leonor Teles weaves the life circumstance of Romani in Portugal today with the recollections of a yesterday. Anything but a passive observer, Teles consciously decides to participate and take up position. As a third pillar, she establishes an active applied performance art that becomes integrated in the cinematic narrative. Thereby transforming "once upon a time" into "there is". "Afterwards, nothing will be as it was and the melody of life will have changed", explains a voice off-camera.
回复 :茅山道士九叔(林正英 饰)的大徒弟肥宝(洪金宝 饰)与茶肆老板的女儿珠女(龚慈恩 饰)系指腹为婚,但其岳丈嫌弃肥宝贫穷,欲将女儿许配富家子弟史公子。为了筹备高额聘礼,肥宝盘下粥摊赚钱。谁知第一个顾客竟然是个女鬼,肥宝尾随其后,进而得知这个名为小红(王文君 饰)的女鬼为了照顾失明的母亲而盘桓人间,于是冒充小红的表哥将母女二人接至家中。肥宝师弟小海(孟海 饰)得知,请求小红色诱史公子,以帮助师兄赚得钱财。不想却被史家的巫师识破……
回复 :美国南北战争时期,南方庄园主卡梅伦一家原本过着安逸的生活。卡梅隆和斯通曼家的孩子同在一所寄宿学校念书,接触中,年轻的本杰明·卡梅隆(亨利·B·沃斯奥 Henry B. Walthall饰)和埃尔西·斯通曼(丽莲·吉许 Lillian Gish饰)互生情愫。然而不久南北战争爆发。本杰明参加了南方军队,奔赴前线,与北方的昔日好友斯通曼(拉尔夫·李维斯 Ralph Lewis饰)成了敌手。战后,黑人烧杀抢掠。本杰明组织三K党,对黑人进行报复,粉碎了建立所谓的“黑人王国”的阴谋。本杰明与埃尔西这对患难情侣也终于走到了一起。他们的结合,预示着一个新的国家的诞生和统一。这部由美国电影巨匠D·W·格里菲斯编导的长达三个多小时的鸿篇巨制《一个国家的诞生》,是世界电影史上最重要的里程碑式电影,也是默片时代的经典之作。本片因为对白人优越主义的提倡,以及对三K党的美化而颇具争议性。