回复 :背景设定在布宜诺斯艾利斯,聚焦成功的女设计师Edha,她是一名单亲母亲,站在人生的十字交叉口,在尝试做出改变人生轨迹的决定时,她遇见了一位英俊模特,后者很快成为她的缪斯,两人之间产生了狂野的激情,与男方强烈的复仇愿望交织在一起。
回复 :CBS All Access在竞投下直接预订《吸血鬼日记 The Vampire Diaries》主创所Kevin Williamson开发及执笔的剧集《黑色童话 Tell Me a Story》,这部由同名西班牙剧改编的剧集把各种名童话重新改编,然后转化成黑暗﹑扭曲的心理惊悚剧,现定于美国时间万圣节(10月31日)上线。Liz Friedlander执导的10集首季设置在现代纽约市,剧情会把《三只小猪 The Three Little Pigs》﹑《小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood》及《糖果屋 Hansel and Gretel》融合起来,交织成包括爱情﹑失去﹑贪婪﹑复仇及谋杀等题材的故事。主演包括James Wolk﹑Michael Raymond-James﹑Sam Jaeger﹑Zabryna Guevara﹑Paul Wesley及Kim Cattrall。
回复 :A year has passed, Lord Glendenning has died and Moray is working in Paris. Recently married to the philandering Tom Weston, who has a young daughter Flora, Katherine, now owner of the Paradise, summons Moray to return and revitalize the store, which is losing trade. On arrival back he proposes to Denise, who is still employed at the Paradise, and Audrey proposes to Edmund. New staff number shop-girl Susy and store-man Nathaniel, the former in love with the latter, unaware that he is a saboteur for Fenton, a rival tradesman seeking to buy the Paradise. Katherine is aware that Weston also wants the sale and urges Moray to make a success of the grand reopening. Suspicious of Nathaniel's actions, Denise exposes him, leading to his dismissal and a hugely profitable first day under Moray's management. Seeing its potential Weston calls off his deal with Fenton.