回复 :电影讲述网络漫画作家智友(盛骏 饰)探访废弃公寓光林Mansion时发生的怪异而恐怖的现实向故事。《怪奇宅》由5个怪谈故事组成,以《楼层噪音》《霉菌》《电梯》等现代人都能体验到的日常素材为基础,给人以有密度的恐惧感。这也是盛骏退伍后的首部公开作品。《怪奇宅》首先院线上映,其后自7月30日开始将通过Olleh TV、Seezn和Skylife平台依次公开。
回复 :《赤眼妖姬》以“爱”为主题,题材创作上力求创新、突破。主要讲述了曾在刀光剑影、血雨腥风的江湖之中谋求生存的女刺客玉如英,在知晓自己怀有身孕后,一心想要退隐江湖,过普通村妇生活。但好景不长,燕回阁悄然逼近,屠村杀戮,让玉如英再次陷入人间地狱,险些丧命。当她被空寂大师救醒后,只有一个念头,便是为自己的孩子复仇。就此,一场因母爱而开始的复仇大幕拉开。
回复 :In 1661 Mexico, the Baron Vitelius of Astara is sentenced to be burned alive by the Holy Inquisition of Mexico for witchcraft, necromancy, and other crimes. As he dies, the Baron swears vengeance against the descendants of the Inquisitors. 300 years later, a comet that was passing overhead on the night of the Baron’s execution returns to earth, bringing with it the Baron in the form of a horrible, brain-eating monster that terrorizes the Inquisitor’s descendants.