回复 :PG-13An endless army of shadow demons bent on the destruction of all reality swarms over our world and all parallel Earths. The only thing opposing them is the mightiest team of metahumans ever assembled. But not even the combined power of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and all their fellow superheroes can slow down the onslaught of this invincible horde. What mysterious force is driving them? And how do the long-buried secrets of the Monitor and Supergirl threaten to crush our last defense?
回复 :A graduating high schooler navigates a world of seemingly inevitable chaos by finding order in the number 7.
回复 :故事发生在位于大阪的安倍商店街中,无论什么时候,这里都洋溢着热热闹闹的欢快气氛。个性大大咧咧的少女朝比奈由美(松冈由贵 配音)从出生起就生活在这条商店街上,和她一起长大的,还有活泼好动,满脑子都是奇思妙想的今宫圣智,两人可谓是青梅竹马的玩伴,商店街的每一条街道,都被他们牢牢的敏记在心间。谁知道某一日,拆迁队的到来彻底破坏了商店街祥和的气氛,甚至引发了可怕的诅咒,这诅咒令商店街的居民们穿越到了一个又一个奇妙的世界之中,开启了他们充满了刺激的不可思议的冒险。