  时间:2024-11-24 08:08:19

久久Who is God? Where did we come from? Why does evil happen? What happens when we die? Every human being on earth has asked themselves these questions at some point, and most likely each person has found a different answer.This series will take viewers on a trip around the world to explore different cultures and religions on the ultimate quest to uncover the meaning of life, God and all these big questions in between.The series seeks to understand how religion has evolved throughout the course of civilization, and in turn how religion has shaped the evolution of society. Although in our current geopolitical landscape, religion is often seen as something that divides, the series illuminates the remarkable similarities among different faiths, even those that seem to be in staunch contrast. This is a quest for God: to shed light on the questions that have puzzled, terrified and inspired mankind, not to mention Freeman himself.Each episode is centered on a different big question about the divine:Creation – Are there similarities among the religious creation stories from around the world? How do they compare with the scientific theory of the creation of the cosmos and the dawn of civilization?Who Is God? – How has the perception of God evolved over human history? Is God just an idea, and if so, can we find evidence of a divine presence in our brains?Evil – What is the root of evil and how has our idea of it evolved over the millennia? Is the devil real? The birth of religion may be inextricably tied to the need to control evil.Miracles – Are miracles real? For many believers, miracles are the foundation of their faith. Others regard miracles as merely unlikely events on which our brains impose divine meaning. Belief in miracles, however we define them, could be what gives us hope and drives us to turn possibility into reality.End of Days – Violent upheaval and fiery judgment fill popular imagination, but was the lore of apocalypse born out of the strife that plagued the Middle East two millennia ago? The true religious meaning of the apocalypse may not be a global war, but an inner revelation.Resurrection – How have beliefs in the afterlife developed, and how has our reaction to the afterlife changed the way we live this life? Now that science is making such rapid advances, we may soon be confronted with digital resurrection. What will that do to our beliefs?To explore each of these topics, host and narrator Freeman went on the ground to some of humanity’s greatest religious sites, including Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall, India’s Bodhi Tree, Mayan temples in Guatemala and the pyramids of Egypt. He traveled with archaeologists to uncover the long-lost religions of our ancestors, such as those at the 7500 B.C. Neolithic settlement Çatalhöyük in Turkey. He immersed himself in religious experiences and rituals all around the world, and became a test subject in scientific labs to examine how the frontiers of neuroscience are intersecting the traditional domain of religion.- \




回复 :一个恐怖选集系列,每集灵感来自一个节日



回复 :一群荷尔蒙分泌过往的年轻人,一段张狂而跋扈的残酷青春。 谁爱谁?谁不爱谁?重要么? 谁是谁?谁不是谁?谁在乎?年轻的天空总呈现魔幻般的彩色,当日复一日的乏味生活让我们无法忍受,就注定了叛逆的因子要从此刻爆发,且一发不可收拾。那澎湃卷涌的蘑菇云会遮天蔽日,冲破万物,直上云霄。 一生只得一次的半熟时光,难道不能用来挥霍? 莫非必须要用一份漂亮成绩单来换取一盎司的大麻?那不是我们,我们想到就说,有屁就放,肆意狂妄,横冲直撞。



回复 :马蒂(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)和拉斯特(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)是一对合作多年的搭档,马蒂为人开朗圆滑,在警局的同事里很吃得开,而拉斯特则恰恰相反,他性格孤僻沉默寡言,沉浸在自己的世界中无法自拔。然而,令马蒂感到十分钦佩的是,拉斯特拥有极为敏锐强大的观察力、判断力和逻辑推理能力,许多疑难杂案一经他手,便能够被轻松化解。                                                                    尽管马蒂是唯一一个能够受得了拉斯特的人,但两人的合作和友谊却依然产生了无法弥补的裂缝,其原因要归结到1995年所发生的一起神秘古怪的宗教杀人案件之中。如今已经是2012年了,当早已不再联系的两人因为这起案件又重新走到一起之时,会有怎样的真相在等待着他们呢?

