回复 :《姐妹们的奇幻沙龙》是一档新时代女性互助生活服务类真人秀。景甜、姜思达、林允担任明星主理人,打造了一所专为女性服务的沙龙,为需要出席人生重要会面的女性提供帮助,助力女性在人生重要时刻突破自我,成为自己人生剧本里的大女主。明星主理人将从外在造型、心灵疗愈、社交娱乐等多维度,各展所长,为女性顾客提供帮助。我们不贩卖焦虑、不强加改造,通过讲述女性故事,挖掘女性力量,传达女性态度,传达积极正能量的新时代女性态度。
回复 :In this three-part series for BBC One, Sue will explore the lives of the people living close the river and the challenges facing India as it transforms into one the world's great economic powers. The Ganges is the story of modern India in one spectacular river.Sue Perkins follows her journeys up the Mekong and through Kolkata with an epic travel series down the length of the Ganges, which is worshipped by Hindus as a living Goddess. Sue will travel from the sacred source of the river, high in the Himalayas, through the industrial and agricultural heartlands of the Gangetic Plain and the ancient city of Varanasi, to the vast delta on the Bay of Bengal.She will join pilgrims seeking to wash clean the sins of alifetime at the Ganges' source; work alongside fishermen and farmers in the Sunderbarns, who share their forests with man-eating tigers; and join some of the thousands of young women leaving rural villages and moving to the cities to find work and freedom.Sue says: 「I've travelled the length of the Ganges, from the oxygen-starved peaks of the Himalayas to the vast delta in West Bengal, meeting a huge array of characters on the way. Expect cows on bridges, India's Most Energetic Monk, and me, in a dress. I can't wait for you to see it.」
回复 :「夕阳与~」「夜澄的!预备——」「「高中生广播~!」」碰巧就读同一间高中的好姐妹声优搭档——夕暮夕阳与歌种夜澄将教室里的氛围原封不动地呈现给听众的温馨广播节目开播!「唉~为何得跟你这种阴沉女一起工作。」「你这猴子还真吵呢。我也不愿意呀。」——但是,两位主持人的真面目跟她们偶像声优的形象恰好相反,是最合不来的辣妹×阴沉低调妹……?台前好姐妹,幕后吵翻天,录制一结束便互相破口大骂!绝对不可能跟这种家伙搭档,然而广播节目不等人……!拿出职业声优的骨气骗过全世界吧!