春暖A Two part documentary sharing detailed information on Black holes.
春暖A Two part documentary sharing detailed information on Black holes.
回复 :The world, life and work of Jaime Fernandes, a peasant born in Barcos (Beira Baixa, Portugal), who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 38 and interned in a sanatorium in Lisbon, Hospital Miguel Bombarda, where he died at the age of 69. When he was 65-years-old he started to paint and during the short period of life-time until his death he made a brilliant pictorial work, influenced by the social environment and the sanatorium daily-life.For the Portuguese-speaking members a lot of information about the film and director can be found here: http://antonioreis.blogspot.com/For the French-speaking members: Critic de Jean Louis Schefer, Cinmathque-http://antonioreis.blogspot.com/2007/07/160-jaime-crtica-de-jean-louis-schefer.html
回复 :沈冬雪和沈乐乐和奶奶一起长大,听奶奶说,他们的父母在外面赚大钱,等过些时间他们的爸爸妈妈就会开着小轿车回家来接他们过上更好的日子。孩子们内心期待无比,然而父母们迟迟不回来。于是冬雪开始带着乐乐去寻找真相——父亲沈心智因为投资的失败,举债无数,只能在工地当建筑工人维持生计。母亲陈风铃在夜店勾搭大款,希望摆脱现在的窘境。陈风铃靠出卖自己的肉体和色相邂逅了王先生,王先生给了陈风铃一个稳定的生活。然而,沈心智得知一切后,并没有找陈风铃理论,而是直接拿着他们偷情的证明去勒索王先生。孩子们亲眼目睹了这一场景:妈妈和一个不认识的叔叔,把爸爸塞进了一辆鲜红的小轿车后备箱里,车的后备箱流出了血。仇恨的萌芽在两个幼小的心灵中萌发。
回复 :律师麦克被卷入到一个领养机构和黑人青年的案件中来。逐渐了解到真相的他,从一开始不情不愿帮黑人辩护到主动出击,替黑人受害者讨回公道。