回复 :Four teenage friends, on the French-Swiss border, whose lives are turned upside down by an experiment of the LHC, the world's biggest particle collider.
回复 :After a childhood that would have broken weaker girls, Jane Eyre finds a respectable position as governess to the ward of the enigmatic Mr. Rochester. Twenty years her senior, brusque, and hardened by loss, Mr. Rochester finds his spirited new employee strangely bewitching. Despite the social chasm that divides them, they are drawn to each other as equals and contemplate true happiness at last. But there is an impediment to their love that tests Jane’s integrity and strength almost beyond endurance.Considered by many to be the best adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s romantic classic, this BBC miniseries is true to the original story, with dialogue taken directly from the novel. Best of all is the perfect casting and chemistry of the unlikely lovers, with Sorcha Cusack (Casualty) as Jane and Michael Jayston (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) as Mr. Rochester.
回复 :首季中Nick Cutter教授和他的团队在Dean森林调查时间异常情况,同时远古时代的恐龙也穿过异常点来到现在,这给小组的调查带来了更多压力和挑战。Cutter教授失踪8年的妻子Helen在异常点中穿梭往来,她究竟掌握何种真相...上季中,野心勃勃的Helen回到过去,妄图灭绝人类祖先。为阻止Helen紧追而去的Abby、Connor和Danny却被困在了远古… 先后出现的人员伤亡与失踪,使政府对ARC(异常点研究中心)失去了信心,在本季中,私人财团开始介入… 新的队伍将如何面对各种史前猛兽、可怕的未来生物? 迷失于远古的队员们又将何时回归呢?