回复 :This is a story of a PVC awardee brave Indian soldier - Capt. Vikram Batra, who shot to fame and became a household name during the Kargil War in 1999. His indomitable spirit and his unflinching courage in chasing the Pakistani soldiers out of Indian territory contributed immensely in India finally winning the Kargil War in 1999.
回复 :该片改编自番茄小说IP《皇家金牌县令》,作者板面王仔。本剧讲述了主人公陈满仓(扈帷 饰)在经历了一系列离奇考验之后,成功突破自我,蜕变成为了心怀感恩、积极向上的有志社会青年的故事。
回复 :该剧是NHK的第108部晨间剧,是以日本植物学之父牧野富太郎为原型的故事,由长田育惠担任编剧,渡边良雄、津田温子担任导演,阿部海太郎担任剧中音乐。 滨边美波饰演本剧的女主角、主人公槙野万太郎(神木隆之介 饰)的妻子寿惠子。