回复 :电影带领观众领略水的别样之美和自然之力。影片采用少见的每秒96帧拍摄技术制作,真诚地提醒我们在地球最宝贵的自然环境面前,在自然巨大的力量,变化莫测的想法面前,我们根本不是对手。影片的主角是水,从俄罗斯贝加尔湖危险的冰冻水域,被飓风厄玛带到迈阿密,最后到达委内瑞拉壮观的安赫尔瀑布。导演维克多·科萨科夫斯基以令人惊叹的电影制作清晰度捕捉到水的多种特点。
回复 :在《蒙特娄的耶稣》(Jesus of Montreal, 1989)中,丹尼·阿岗(Denys Arcand)借着拟讽耶稣受难的故事批判大众传播阻断语言沟通的罪行。在这部电影中,一个年轻而无名的演员克伦应教堂执事之邀,和另外四个人组成了临时剧团,要以现代 化的方式演出这个教堂每年夏天上演的《受难剧》。原本的剧本十分简单,只有几行以宣叙的方式朗诵的经文:「耶稣被宣判死刑,正直的人会死亡,为了我们的罪…我们的杀、窃盗、奸淫,所有的罪都加在祂身上,沉重的木块,沉重的十字架。」这些都是 忠实地取自于圣经的经文。但是,克伦根据有关耶稣的各种古代文本的考据,以及各地有关耶稣的民间传说,改写这出受难剧,例如耶稣是一名士兵潘提拉的私生子,后来因为辗转传,才成为「木匠的儿子」;耶稣的画像在拜占庭时代以前,并没有胡子,后来加上的胡,系为了增加「力量」的缘故;耶稣在埃及时是个魔术师,会变各种戏法等等。扮演耶稣色的就是剧团导演克伦,他在片中的处境,以及他最后因群众暴乱而意外死在十字架上,暗示他与耶稣的相似性。然而,他所面对的困境--诱惑、敌意 、背叛、遗弃--不是撒但、罗马士兵、犹太群众或神,而是大众传播的垄断势力、 不懂艺术的观众、以及提供金钱却不尊重艺术的筹办单位。
回复 :The film (and the acting) is superbly done, but the story is intense. I like it for its' dark, thick, "Cul du Sac" psychology but it is certainly not for everyone for that very reason. Set in isolated, rural France makes this film all the more desperate.The film is about strenuous relationships, loyalty - and despair. It is about accepting hardships without really understanding them. It is also about pity and how it is to be distinguished from love and admiration. I've seen many French films with the same intensity and I'm guessing that it will be mostly the French who will enjoy this film.The acting is superb in this film – if you're in the right state of mind and don't loose your concentration. Jean-François Stevenin ALWAYS impresses me. He doesn't disappoint me here either. For general audiences, however, I'd recommend his performance in "Deux Lions au Soleil" which is much more easily palatable than "Peux de Vaches".Despite the fact that I like "Peux de Vaches", I have difficulties recommending it to anyone other than French audiences and perhaps someone with a morose demeanor.