回复 :Father Brown tries to transport a historically important cross to Rome engaging in battles of wits and faith with a thief and pursuing policeman. The thief, named Flambeau (Finch), is a master of disguise and is elusive, as Father Brown pursues him and tries to convince him to abandon his criminal career.During the making of the film, Alec Guinness was mistaken by a small boy for an actual priest. This episode appears to have played a part in Guinness's later conversion to Roman Catholicism.
回复 :2006年大学毕业的董家强与好友夏冻梨二人怀揣梦想一同来到北京,投奔已在北京闯荡的好友张少华。在经历数次创业失败之后,八年未曾归家的董家强意外得知家中早已发生变故,恍然觉悟,其实自己最该走的是归家之路。
回复 :IT天才汪一城年少成名创业成功,巨大的成功带来的浮华笼罩他,让他迷失了自我,甚至有意伤害陪伴多年的恋人,恋人离他而去。一项商业决策让汪一城一败涂地,对他伸出援手的只有亦敌亦友的兄弟鲁哲,两人携手再次创业,两人历经险阻,汪一城终于找回自己,明白创业的意义以及什么是爱。