回复 :讲述了两对夫夫的爱情和碰撞。不管多远多近,它们只为彼此而存在。俊和富是从幼儿园就一起长大的好朋友。他们不仅是青梅竹马,甚至在同一家公司工作,直到一场事故动摇了两人。Plus是一个自由奔放的调酒师,Jane是一个离了婚无法放下过去的人,经营着一家自助洗衣店。一天,自助洗衣店老板偶然 发现了酒保丰富多彩的夜生活。两者碰撞,慢慢实现彼此内心的渴望。~~台日合拍It tells the love and collision of two couples. No matter how far or near, they only exist for each other.Jung and Fu are good friends who have grown up together since kindergarten. Not only are they childhood friends, they even work for the same company until an accident shakes the two. Plus is a free-spirited bartender and Jane, a divorcee who can't let go of the past, runs a laundromat. One day the laundromat owner stumbles upon the colorful nightlife of the bartender. The two collide and slowly realize each other's inner desires.~~ Co-production between Taiwan and Japan.
回复 :该剧改编自作家冯唐的小说《十八岁给我一个姑娘》,以秋水为首的一群少年为主线,讲述了他们之间有关友谊、爱情的故事
回复 :“他们带你进去,她将让你说出一切”金发美女Brenda Leigh Johnson是一位从亚特兰大调职到洛杉矶的警察局副局长。Brenda所在的部门是LAPD主要处理一些引人注目非常敏感的谋杀案。在这个男性的领域,站在最高峰的Brenda会怎样收服一群骁勇善战的手下?又是怎样让这些骄傲的大男人在危急时刻站在她的身前替她说话?Brenda的才能只有走进那间审讯室你才会体会到。不管你的嘴巴有多固若金汤,只要你有秘密,美丽的Brenda都会让你滔滔不绝。