回复 :Mrs. Brown's Boys became a runaway success upon its initial broadcast. Every episode aired won its timeslot for RTÉ, with an average viewership of 753,500 in January, 2011. One episode's rating beat that of RTÉ's own ratings giant The Late Late Show, with 856,000 viewers tuning in to watch. However, critics disliked the show. "The whole thing is entirely predicated on viewers finding a man dressed as a foul-mouthed elderly woman intrinsically funny," noted Bernice Harrison in the Irish Times. "If you do, you’re away in a hack (and the viewing figures are astronomical), but if you don’t, and you think that died out with Les Dawson and Dick Emery, then it’s a long half-hour." The Irish Independent said that Mrs Brown's Boys was the type of TV programme that "that makes you vaguely embarrassed to be Irish". The Daily Telegraph's Sam Richards noted that show's comedy has a "rudimentary nature", consisting of "an old-fashioned blend of silly voices and slapstick, played out in front of a live studio audience who collapse into giggles at the mere mention of the word “willy”.
回复 :对军人的至高奖赏,是荣誉。 然而,对于这一群特殊的军人,他们的荣誉和战绩,甚至他们所执行的任务,都将封存在机密档案里。The Unit讲述的是一支没有名字的部队,一支不存在的部队。他们被派往全球各地,执行美国政府的秘密使命。在基地里,他们的妻子互相安慰,互相支持。除了承 受士兵家属所必需承受的一切,她们还要学会保守秘密——丈夫的秘密,自己的秘密……
回复 :故事发生在抗战时期的白洋淀地区。嘎子(谢孟伟 饰)作梦都想参加八路军,自从奶奶(黄素影 饰)为掩护老钟叔(杜源 饰)被鬼子杀害后,嘎子只身进城寻找侦察英雄罗金宝(金宏 饰)。参军后,他配合区队打了一场“挑帘战”。因违犯纪律赌气出走,后与胖墩(杜雨 饰)等小伙伴重返县城,他要单独给奶奶报仇。我特派员刘燕(钱多多 饰)遭伏击失散,后被渔家姑娘玉英(王莎莎 饰)搭救,鬼子派石磊(刘乃艺 饰)冒充特派员混入区队,其阴谋被嘎子识破,由于特派员肩负着药品能否成功运输的重任,所以围绕真假特派员展开了斗智斗勇。通过一系列战斗之后,嘎子逐渐成长为自觉遵守纪律的战士,他和小伙伴们配合区队粉碎了敌人的阴谋,大批药品安全穿越了敌人的封锁线.......