回复 :The story of erotic film producer and director, Ersan Kuneri, in the 70s and 80s.
回复 :Deserted for years, an historically significant house is coveted by a number of people: a yuppie couple looking for a country home to restore, a local builder and his estate agent partner looking for development rights, and a conservationist. The owner is anxious to sell, but when a couple of deaths occur in the vicinity, things come to a halt while Inspector Barnaby investigates.
回复 :公视《妖怪人间》带有奇幻色彩,将台湾各地乡野奇谈中的妖怪、鬼神等做连结,打造出人、妖共处的奇异世界,透过写实拍摄和大量视觉效果来呈现人类与妖怪之间的冲突。