锦绣French crime thriller series.
锦绣French crime thriller series.
回复 :On the day of the wedding of a medical student with a wealthy plastic surgeon, the families of the young couple realize that the only thing they have in common are secrets and lies. The secrets of both sides will be revealed during the wedding ceremony.
回复 :Netflix续订半自传喜剧《心向快乐 Feel Good》第二季,并确定为最终季。第二季里,Mae和George复杂的爱情故事继续展开。Mae努力想要和自己的过去和解,而George试着重塑自己的当下。两人能越走越近吗,还是会渐行渐远呢?该剧第一季为Channel 4和Netflix联合制作,第二季由Netflix独家制作。
回复 :“夜翼”扮演者布伦顿·思韦茨在DCFanDome上宣布《泰坦》第四季已获得续订,随后HBO MAX官宣《泰坦》和《末日巡逻队》均获得新一季的续订。