回复 :马卓生于雨城雅安,八岁被母亲林果果接到成都一起生活,和夏钢的儿子夏泽相伴成长,青梅竹马的二人成为了彼此的初恋。林果果和夏钢意外卷入一桩离奇的凶案,马卓和夏泽从此情感错位,命运曲折,在危险和荆棘中追寻父辈的真相。
回复 :Series two joins Chris Carson six months later. Chris is attempting to rebuild his life, and his relationships, desperate to avoid the corruption that nearly sucked him under. He is trying to be a better police officer, a better man, and most importantly, a better father to his daughter Tilly. All whilst still dealing with the relentless trauma of being a night response officer. Chris wants a day job. Chris needs a day job. But is he prepared to risk everything to get one?
回复 :《孤独的野兽》是一部现代都市偶像剧,主要是讲述了开锁师何初逢和鉴定师洛宾的故事。