昏君重色,单身的人奸佞弄权。为讨好皇帝(郜玄铭 饰)换取朝野势力,单身的人贬至江陵的秦淮王爷(缪歌 饰),在王府总管夏梦海(时晓飞 饰)的谋划下,肆意掳掠民间少女进献,其中包括医女善雨(翟艺舒 饰)。画师林欢(林扬 饰)为救青梅竹马的心上人,拜师神笔大侠马成勋(刘勇 饰),与好友白泽(高昕 饰)一道,与秦淮王府展开一系列的斗智斗勇,逐渐发现隐藏在王府内的惊天阴谋……
昏君重色,单身的人奸佞弄权。为讨好皇帝(郜玄铭 饰)换取朝野势力,单身的人贬至江陵的秦淮王爷(缪歌 饰),在王府总管夏梦海(时晓飞 饰)的谋划下,肆意掳掠民间少女进献,其中包括医女善雨(翟艺舒 饰)。画师林欢(林扬 饰)为救青梅竹马的心上人,拜师神笔大侠马成勋(刘勇 饰),与好友白泽(高昕 饰)一道,与秦淮王府展开一系列的斗智斗勇,逐渐发现隐藏在王府内的惊天阴谋……
回复 :Would you believe in a policewoman who suffers from such serious panic disorders that she is afraid to get close to any crime scene and has been on permanent office duty for more than a decade? Would you believe a lone mother who is unfit to pay her mortgage and also raise her rebellious teenage daughter? Indeed, no one believes that the troubled ex-detective has discovered a serial murder case. Personal dramas and a murder mystery unfold in present-day Budapest, where demonstrations are part of the pre-election life of a city still trying to cope with the shadows of its historical and recent past. It is a city where nothing seems honest and true, except through the eyes of an emotionally unstable policewoman and her misfit daughter who wants to know who her father truly was.入围第32届华沙电影节新导演单元
回复 :A fallen MMA fighter must win a netherworld no-holds-barred death tournament against man, beast and demon to save her soul.
回复 :犹太青年圭多(罗伯托·贝尼尼)邂逅美丽的女教师多拉(尼可莱塔·布拉斯基),他彬彬有礼的向多拉鞠躬:“早安!公主!”。历经诸多令人啼笑皆非的周折后,天遂人愿,两人幸福美满的生活在一起。然而好景不长,法西斯政权下,圭多和儿子被强行送往犹太人集中营。多拉虽没有犹太血统,毅然同行,与丈夫儿子分开关押在一个集中营里。聪明乐天的圭多哄骗儿子这只是一场游戏,奖品就是一辆大坦克,儿子快乐、天真的生活在纳粹的阴霾之中。尽管集中营的生活艰苦寂寞,圭多仍然带给他人很多快乐,他还趁机在纳粹的广播里问候妻子:“早安!公主!”法西斯政权即将倾覆,纳粹的集中营很快就要接受最后的清理,圭多编给儿子的游戏该怎么结束?他们一家能否平安的度过这黑暗的年代呢?©豆瓣