回复 :将肉体与“齿轮技术”融合的究极格斗技——“MEGALO BOX”,将自己的全部赌在上面的男人们的热血战斗开始!今天也立于未认可地区的赌博比赛赛场上的MEGALO拳击手“Junk Dog”。虽然具备实力,却只有靠比赛造假赚钱这一条生存之道,他为自己的“现在”感到心焦。但,他与孤高的冠军·勇利相遇,作为MEGALO拳击手,作为男人,向自己的“现在”发起挑战——。
回复 :MyNetworkTV presents the all-new series, "Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed" starring the Masked Magician. "Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed" stars Val Valentino as the Masked Magician sometimes called the Masked Mr. M.Val has been on TV many times in the past with shows like "Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed" with 3 additional series that followed with basically the same titles or a variation on those titles. The premiere episode will have special guest stars in 2 of the WWE's hottest Divas in Eve and Maria!
回复 : 动画在原作基础上把时间轴转移到了六胞胎已经成年后的背景下。然而他们却一如既往地选择了家里蹲,每天过着无所事事的日子。作品在维持了原作风格的同时,大胆融入了各种NETA和现实要素。