壮志Follows Sara, head of the Toulouse police narcotics squad, who is forced to collaborate with Richard, the head of the local criminal police, to stop a go-fast between Spain and France and find the murderer linked to the case.
壮志Follows Sara, head of the Toulouse police narcotics squad, who is forced to collaborate with Richard, the head of the local criminal police, to stop a go-fast between Spain and France and find the murderer linked to the case.
回复 :Features fiercely protective Indian immigrant mother Zarna Garg in action.
回复 :十五少是油尖旺区新扎一哥,深爱阿细,而他视如亲兄弟的千禧B又暗恋她。后来十五少因重创仇家入狱三年,火哥栽培千禧B上位,而阿细因力拒火哥侵犯瞎了一眼。十五少出狱后决与阿细过平凡生活,火哥想铲除心腹大患,派千禧B杀之,刚巧知道阿细再与他走在一起,更失理性。结果追杀反令亲母惨死,千禧B清醒过来,与十五少联合抗敌。
回复 :当红一线男明星,自大、傲慢。某天,意外遇见一个普通北漂女孩,在相处的过程中,被女孩的正直、善良所打动,从此男主决心改变。通过努力,他从一个有争议的流量明星转变成一个有实力、敬业的好演员,获得了业内外所有人的尊重。同时,对女孩产生了最真挚的情感。他放下身段,顶着舆论和经纪公司的压力,开始倒追这个普通但“耀眼”的女孩。