回复 :梦中的赵大雨被宿舍管理员喊醒,刚到教室坐下,关汉文就来收作业了,满脸不屑的赵大雨以忘记带作业为借口拒绝交作业。一向看不惯赵大雨的范英雄,一把把赵大雨按到他的座位上。自负自恋的曾赫自顾自的端详着手中那个小镜子中的自己,身边发生了什么他全然不顾。方芳老师为了培养大家的责任心,让大家轮值当班长。大才子关汉文在宿舍里给大家讲述着十二生肖,夸父追日等中华传统文化故事,实验室的张爷爷用三维模拟的形式把这些故事逼真的展示在同学们眼前,激发起了大家学习中华传统文化知识的浓厚兴趣。在中华传统文化的熏陶下,大家逐渐学会了彼此尊重,团结友爱,树立起了诚实守信,勇于担当的优秀品质。
回复 :农村姑娘诺马科哈娅(伦格瓦·布劳饰)来到小镇寻找自己心爱的男友尤吉卡亚(安德列·塔霍尼饰)。警察尤吉卡亚对天发誓称自己一生只爱诺马科哈娅一人。可是不久,尤吉卡亚被性感妩媚的卡雅利沙单身女子卡门(宝莲·梅尔芬妮饰)所迷惑,于是他抛弃了诺马科哈娅。尤吉卡亚因为放走了与工厂女工打架的卡门而被停职。当尤吉卡亚向卡门求爱时,他却遭到卡门的断然拒绝。卡门爱上了其他人了,对尤吉卡亚的爱已经荡然无存。最后,卡门倒在了松开双手的尤吉卡亚面前。
回复 :The story opens in Balochistan, in a small, scarcely ‘wired’ village bordering Iran and Afghanistan. Ahmad is an idealistic teacher in exile, educating the local community; his partner Haseeba, however, has spent time in jail in Tehran for the very same offence against the State. The disaccord between them is not only social but also personal. Ahmad's destiny collides with that of a family fleeing the Taliban; soon the intricate divisions of age and gender within that group will trigger other problems and entanglements – including a 'lovers on the run' intrigue that fleetingly recalls Murnau's classic Tabu (1931).Across all the arresting, shifting peripeteia of its plot, Abbas Amini's film deftly dramatises the complicated question of commitment: do we commit ourselves to a political cause, a set of religious beliefs, or a person? And how do we negotiate the commitments of others, even those closest to us, when they are based on a very different value system?With its sparse music score, densely naturalistic acting and unostentatious camera work, Endless Borders is almost a minimalistic suspense thriller (with Hitchcockian overtones), combined with a heated family melodrama – but it never loses sight of the serious and extremely timely issues that it raises.源自:https://iffr.com/en/iffr/2023/films/endless-borders