1942年,日韩病中的女作家萧红(宋佳 饰)困在了日军炮火下的香港,日韩年轻的东北作家骆宾基(张博 饰)陪在她的身边,萧红向骆宾基讲述了她10年来颠沛流离的写作生涯,以及她和作家萧军(黄觉 饰)、端木蕻良(王仁君 饰)之间的两段不寻常的感情,特别是她与萧军难以忘怀的感情经历。这个生逢战乱,历尽坎坷,向往爱情,充满魅力的女作家深深打动了骆宾基,但此时的萧红已经病入膏肓。骆宾基和外出归来的端木蕻良把萧红送进医院,陪伴她度过了生命中最后的时光……
1942年,日韩病中的女作家萧红(宋佳 饰)困在了日军炮火下的香港,日韩年轻的东北作家骆宾基(张博 饰)陪在她的身边,萧红向骆宾基讲述了她10年来颠沛流离的写作生涯,以及她和作家萧军(黄觉 饰)、端木蕻良(王仁君 饰)之间的两段不寻常的感情,特别是她与萧军难以忘怀的感情经历。这个生逢战乱,历尽坎坷,向往爱情,充满魅力的女作家深深打动了骆宾基,但此时的萧红已经病入膏肓。骆宾基和外出归来的端木蕻良把萧红送进医院,陪伴她度过了生命中最后的时光……
回复 :It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a few laughs. As the night grows later, the teens reach a state of alcohol-induced openness. They reveal secrets, crushes and an unintentionally cruel streak. The final year of high school can be paradoxical. Having found some passions and close friends, you often begin to understand your own identity for the first time. And yet, still so young, you can't deny that you've so much to learn about yourself and the world. Maybe, despite thirteen straight years of schooling, you kind of don't know anything. A tribute to an awkward phase that we have all made it through and have powerful memories of, About An Age is a nostalgic coming-of-age film. With charm and authenticity, it examines themes of responsibility, first love and the passing of time via one single evening shared by a group of playful mates.
回复 :幕末时期,日本面临外国列强入侵的局面,而国内局势动荡不安。刚刚在下任将军选定中胜出的“南纪派”代表井伊直弼(松本幸四郎 饰)入主幕府,担任大老之职,不久便掀起“安政大狱”,打击敌对的“一桥派”领袖及下级武士。以水户浪人星野监物(藤雄之助 饰)为首的32名脱藩武士集结江户,密谋刺杀井伊大老。但井伊并未按预料的那样登城,初次行动失败。副首领住田启二郎(稻叶义男 饰)怀疑内部有人走漏消息,经两位统领排查,最终锁定在尾州浪人新纳鹤千代(三船敏郎 饰)和上州浪人栗原荣之助(小林桂树 饰)身上,他们都和井伊有着千丝万缕的关系……
回复 :Reeve(郑伊健饰)是一个僵尸猎人,每次出动前都要喝下药水变得半人半僵尸才能发挥功力。他的前搭档Lila(何超仪饰)因一次行动中丧生,由Gypsy(钟欣桐饰)来接替。她的到来令Reeve的妹妹Helen(蔡卓妍饰)很不满,两女更大打出手。僵尸王子Kazaf(陈冠希饰)与仆人Prada(黄秋生饰)靠父亲僵尸王寄来的血浆生活,他生性善良,从来不会伤害无辜。Helen邂逅了帅气的Kazaf。一天Kazaf被僵尸伯爵追杀受伤,Helen得知他的身份后,毅然帮他到医院偷血,还把他带回家。原来僵尸圣典《Day for Night》就在Kazaf手上。Reeve因一次行动后找不到解药,因此变成了僵尸,还差点杀掉了自己的妹妹,迫于无奈之下,Gypsy把心爱的Reeve杀掉,Helen也为着要救回落入僵尸伯爵手中的Kazaf,与Gypsy联手进攻。