回复 :邱世龙(刘松仁 饰)拥有自己的公司从事金融交易,其妻子刘艳娥(郑裕玲 饰)是一名律师,二人不只是夫妻,生意工作上也互为搭档。但在表面的风光下,其实是二人名存实亡的婚姻关系,维系他们的只有金钱,邱世龙替人洗黑钱,刘艳娥则从律师的角度协助。某日,刘艳娥发现了丈夫偷藏的一千万美元并偷偷将其转移,两人彻底翻脸,厮打过程中刘艳娥被误伤为植物人住进医院。碰巧,刘艳娥的护士是曾经被她得罪过的马美珍(叶德娴 饰),马美珍对其常常略施小诫却误打误撞的使得刘艳娥苏醒。苏醒后的刘艳娥依旧神志不清,丈夫想借机套出一千万美金的藏匿地点,并雇佣了马美珍入住邱家照顾刘艳娥。就这样,三个各怀鬼胎的人住到了同一屋檐下……
回复 :A deranged writer murders a maid after she resists his advances. The writer engages his brother's help in hiding the body, and then watches as the brother becomes the prime suspect.
回复 : A poor and lonely English professor, Juri(37), decides to become a porn actor using a mask to hide behind, after she watches an unusual porn, featuring an old and fat woman. And she visits Myungsook, a porn producer, despite their separation of 10 years. After various tests and rigorous diets Juri finally stars in a porn film with an attractive young porn star, Byul(20), who sa