回复 :马大力(高虎 饰)是个患脑瘫的残疾人,护士刘小蓉(赵平 饰)在与其接触中产生感情。不久,已怀孕的刘小蓉突然离开了马大力,此时,大力创办的残疾人康复中心已对外开放。残疾人李云(王群 饰)在农贸市场遇见前男友陈刚,两人碰见流氓滋事,趁李云报警之时,流氓把陈刚打成重伤。李云拿出全部积蓄为陈刚治疗,同时柱着拐杖四处寻访目击者,以期抓获凶手。社会各界被李云身残志坚的行为所感动,纷纷解囊相助。不久,派出所通知她行凶的流氓已抓获,同时见义勇为办公室将李云的先进事迹在全县通报表彰。次年,北京召开全国残疾劳模表彰大会,大力与李云双双登上天安门城楼......
回复 :This long-lost masterpiece of hardcore gay erotic cinema centers on a handsome young stud who rides his motorcycle through myriad sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a phantasmagoric and deeply melancholy orgy. A labyrinth of all-male fantasies whose outstanding beauties always end up fading away while leaving their sensual protagonist dealing with his own loneliness, EQUATION was directed with supreme grace by the mysterious Dietrich de Velsa (aka Francis Savel/Frantz Salieri). A former painter, de Velsa was also the owner and artistic director of La Grande Eugène, one of the first drag cabarets in Paris. Years later, he collaborated with Joseph Losey on MR. KLEIN (1976) and DON GIOVANNI (1979). His one and only film, EQUATION TO AN UNKNOWN stands as one of the most extraordinary erotic films of all time.“The most melancholic porn film I’ve ever seen. It’s very sad, and aesthetically beautiful. Just a young man wandering through several depictions of love and choreographies of love-making; it’s like a ceremony, a ceremony of fantasies, especially the last sequence where the main character recalls all his previous fantasies, which come one by one around his bed and make love to him. I think it’s one of the most beautiful film sequences of French cinema.” –Yann Gonzalez
回复 :Unfolds the poignant story of three women and their search for justice from the daily plight of sexual harassment in Egypt.