回复 :继《火星情报局》《暴走法条君》后,优酷再推“神网综”。大型恋爱实验真人秀《美女与极品》孟非版主海报于今日曝光,4对陌生男女将在第一次见面时随机配对,在豪华别墅中共同生活、游戏、彼此磨合,共处一室“零距离”约会,探寻爱情的真谛。和观众一样处于上帝视角的孟非,将作为节目发起人共同见证这段奇葩的恋爱实验。网友听闻孟爷爷竟然开创如此惊为天人的约会方式,大喊:“孟爷爷发狗粮啦!”孟非网综首秀《美女与极品》优酷独播:别地方剪掉的这都有孟非在《非诚勿扰》的舞台上已经七年了,见过形形色色的男女嘉宾,但单纯通过自我介绍和访谈,难以彻底了解彼此。于是,《非诚勿扰》、《最强大脑》、《一站到底》原班人马操刀,给当下难以寻找合适伴侣的“美女”和“极品”们一个“零距离”相处的机会。四位高颜值美女与四位低情商极品男两两随机配对组成CP,经过3天2夜的“同居考验”,多角度反射各自的三观匹配度,让谈情说爱不再虚无缥缈,而是落在实处。在这短短的几天中,4男4女还可以通过游戏考验,重新选择心仪的CP。不同于以往爱情导师的角色,孟非这次只是做一个上帝视角围观吐槽的父亲和观众,角色和普通观众无异。再加上嘉宾和女儿的岁数相仿,对女儿恋爱观心痒痒的“爸爸”孟非坦言:“我对这个节目的好奇程度无与伦比”。自然美女+奇葩极品的恋爱实验 “F-Cup女神”王李丹妮疑加盟关于“美女”的选择,《美女与极品》只追求两点,即“真实”和“高颜”。“F-Cup女神”王李丹妮此前竟在个人微博大秀傲人双峰,并@美女与极品,疑似加盟节目寻找真爱伴侣,如若“宅男女神”能够性感加盟一起搞实验,想必颇有看头。此前节目组导演也透露:我们拒绝网红脸,通过线上找人,线下见面各种深聊,最终在4000多位女孩中选择了几十名嘉宾备选。而男嘉宾也需要有极强的特质:“是真的来找对象的,要真诚,绝对不要太油的”。网友惊呆:放开那位美女让我来“同居”、“随意组合”、“恋爱实验”、“高颜美女”,这些前所未有的点戳中了网民好奇心。“放开那个美女让我来”;“我要做你的骑士,天天给你做早餐”。此前有调查称“中国人不愿结婚”,换角度来看也实在是因为缺乏适婚男女近距离相处交往的机会,届时《美女与极品》还将开通嘉宾海选通道,为各路的极品、宅男们创造机会,希望大家“鼓起勇气试一试”,保护女神!10月2日,大型恋爱实验真人秀《美女与极品》将在优酷独播上线,美女和极品们将在豪华别墅开始第一次亲密接触,充满无限可能的恋爱实验就要开始啦!
回复 : 微博之夜是自2003年开始的新浪网络盛典,数年来已经从单一的新闻评选逐渐发展为全方位、多角度、全领域参与的年度盘点,立足网友在微博上对热点事件和人物的认知,体现真实民意,是记录社会发展的百科全书,其深远的社会影响力已经突破微博之夜盛典本身。凭借对关系百姓民生、国家政策、民族情怀等大事件的关注,成为弘扬时代精神、引领向上力量、凸显平凡英雄价值的重要载体。同时,凭借在文娱行业的广泛影响力,微博之夜年度各项优质作品和优秀艺人奖项也成为重要的行业风向标。本届微博之夜,旨在回顾年度最具关注度、传播度和美誉度的影响力事件及人物,全面彰显时代主流价值,弘扬社会正能量,引领向上力量。以微博之力,让世界更美!
回复 1. Boko Haram & Unnatural Selection: The Nigerian government is determined to drive militants from a terrorist group out of the country ; A new gene-editing method allow scientists to change the genetic traits of plants and animals.2. Escape to Europe; Cycle of Terror: Following the refugee trail from the Syrian border to Europe; The global reaction to the terrorist attack in Paris impacts the fight against terrorism.3. Right to Die: Exploring the moral, political and personal questions raised by euthanasia.4. Beating Blindness & White Collar Weed: Doctors and researchers make incredible strides in the fight against blindness; Struggling small-scale marijuana farmers face corporate takeovers as the end of the pot-prohibition nears5. Meathooked & End of Water: Examining the environmental harm of industrial meat operations; Assessing the depths of the world's water crisis.6. Return to Yemen & Church and States: Examining the conflict in Yemen; Exploring the ongoing battle for LGBT equal rights in the United States.7. Palestine Now and Viva Cuba Libre: Exploring the lives of young Palestinians today; Examining the political thawing of relationships between Cuba and the United States.8. Afghan Women's Rights & Floating Armories: Violence and oppression are still a fact of life for women in Afghanistan; Private military contractors protect global commerce.9. The Future of Energy: Examining the future of how to make and use energy and how to meet the growing demand as carbon emissions are cut.10. Trump in Dubai & China in Africa: The plight of migrant workers in Dubai; Examining the increasingly prominent business relationship between China and Africa.11. The Deal & City of Lost Children: Exploring the recent Iran deal from both sides; Tribes of homeless children live along the tracks in Kolkata, India.12. The End of Polio and Collateral Damage: Health workers put their lives on the line in Pakistan to eradicate polio; Examining the devastating effects of unexploded ordnance in Myanmar and Laos.13. State of Surveillance: Shane travels to Moscow to meet with Edward Snowden and discuss government surveillance programs.14. Heroin Crisis & New Age of Nukes: The effects of America's Heroin epidemic and the next nuclear arms race.15. Flint Water Crisis & Libya on the Brink: Examining the effects of the water crisis in Flint, Mich.; In Libya, rival militias fight to save the country.16. Die Trying: Patients and top researchers across the U.S. discuss recent measures taken to tackle ALS; Exploring the regulatory hurdles faced by ALS patients and drugmakers.17. Student Debt & Fecal Medicine: The correlation between student-loan borrowing and the soaring cost of college tuition; A medical revolution involves using stool from a healthy person to treat severe intestinal infections in others.18. The New $pace Race & Closing Gitmo: NASA and a growing community of private companies decide to prepare for Mars exploration; Ex-detainees reveal what really happens behind the walls of the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. : 本届海峡影视季活动以“携手向未来”为主题,聚焦中华文化传承发展,旨在聚合两岸优质影视资源共同打造影视精品项目,促进两岸影视产业融合发展。海峡影视季晚会将融合大量两岸元素,突出展示两岸青年交流盛况,更有优质影视项目推介。