回复 :银行经理雅各布(弗兰克·格里罗饰)的同事被暴徒夺去生命,而他将和警察(布鲁斯·威利斯饰)联手制服凶手。
回复 :日本新闻社曼谷分社的记者南部浩行(江口洋介 饰)从总社同事处了解到,近来不断有患病的日本儿童来到泰国进行非法器官移植手术。南部随即展开调查,并委托曾经的器官移植中介者帮忙收集资料,最终却发现很多泰国儿童竟然被活生生地摘除器官!调查过程中他认识了在曼谷社会福利中心“爱之家”实习的日本女大学生音羽惠子(宫崎葵 饰),事实证明,这里的儿童面临着残酷的命运。他们不仅要遭受器官摘除的痛苦,还要被迫成为雏妓。黑暗的角落里,天真的儿童没有希望……本片根据朝裔作家梁石日同名小说改编。 ©豆瓣
回复 :In this intense thriller, a nightmarish evening unfolds for David (Luke Kleintank), a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), accidentally hit a girl on her bike. Buzzed and disoriented, David lets Robert convince him to flee the scene and leave the girl for dead, in order to protect his career. Robert shows no remorse, and in the name of friendship he does unspeakable things to protect the secret. Now that the police are full-on hunting for the hit-and-run killer, things begin to spiral out of control when David’s local newspaper sends him to cover the story where he meets the deceased girl’s sister Vanessa (Eloise Smyth). Despite the circumstances, and her deep desire to find her sister’s killer, the two immediately have a romantic connection, which surprises and haunts David, while pushing Robert to take brutal steps to keep his new friend to himself.