回复 :In this sequel to Code 8, Connor (Robbie Amell) is out of prison and working as a janitor at a community center, having cut ties with his former criminal associate Garrett (Stephen Amell). Connor’s attempt at staying out of trouble is destroyed when he’s forced to help 14-year-old Pav (Sirena Gulamgaus) escape from a pack of corrupt officers led by Sergeant King (Alex Mallari Jr.). King uses the newly launched robotic K9’s to track Pav down, while Connor finds himself once again reaching out to Garrett and his crew for help, but can he trust the man who landed him in prison in the first place?
回复 :《女士復仇》講述女殺手Chanel(鄧麗欣 飾)已婚十年,深信丈夫從一而終;女飛賊Dior(周秀娜 飾)剛巧拍拖十年,生活溫馨甜蜜。一天,兩女發現另一半有第三者 ,明查暗訪之下發現竟是對方!二人打算見面並置對方於死地,但碰面當天竟然發現賤男正準備與另一個女人Hermes(樂基兒 飾)到酒店幽會。二人決定殺入酒店殺死一對狗男女,怎料一切都是賤男設下的陷阱,立心將三女一網打盡。三女已無去路,被逼終極復仇,誓要將賤男殺死。
回复 :狙击手比吉特是海军陆战队的绝密武器,“一粒子弹、一条人命”是他的座右铭。在他那悠长又极富趣味性的职业生涯里,肯定已有超过七十条人命被他夺走。身为美国海军陆战队最具传奇性的狙击手,他每一次的任务是精确地瞄准、然后扣下狙击长枪的板机,一颗子弹从远距离飞至夺走一个毒犯/战犯/刺客/国家敌人的"贱命"。但今次,他的枪口却被逼瞄向他的一个朋友……燕迹秦清。