回复 :Officer John Cooper returns to duty after recovering from back surgery and meets his new partner, Officer Jessica Tang, a tough and disciplined cop with her own set of baggage from working the streets. Lydia, whose new partner is Ruben Robinson, can't seem to escape helping a former CI who won't stay in safety. Ben, Sammy and Dewey chase an armed man into an elementary school, while Ben bumps heads with an intense street cop whose cynical attitude is affecting their work.
回复 :In Series five, Ben and Susan are enjoying some new-found tranquility, Nick has moved into his own flat, Janey is at university and Abi is usually out at evening class. Naturally the peace is not to last! Janey comes back home with baby Kenzo and Michael has been "born again" and is holding Bible study sessions in the living room. With Ben's famous dental patients, Susan's election ambitions and an unheathly obsession with Inspector Morse – not to mention the unlikely perils of house-sitting in a luxury modern apartment – domestic life is soon to be back to normal. So when Ben and Susan start being nice to each other it's no wonder Abi's suspicious; they could not be getting a divorce could they?
回复 :本剧描述落魄潦倒的赌棍、瘾君子兼懒鬼Buddy Dobbs(Michael Rosenbaum)为躲债来到一座偏远的小镇。他觉得自己已经走投无路,于是萌生了自杀的念头。正当他打算从一座桥上跳下去时,一个牧师及时拦住了他。倒霉的牧师脚底下一滑,自己从桥上掉下去摔死了。Buddy突然眼前一亮……