刑事A CIA agent who, while on assignment in Russia shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union, is captured by KGB forces and placed in a mental hospital. Eleven years later, Carville is given a chance to earn his freedom.
刑事A CIA agent who, while on assignment in Russia shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union, is captured by KGB forces and placed in a mental hospital. Eleven years later, Carville is given a chance to earn his freedom.
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回复 :游荡在东京涉谷街头的19岁女孩路易(吉高由里子 饰)对生活充满绝望,某日她在迪斯科中邂逅朋克青年阿玛(高良健吾 饰)。阿玛穿钉打孔、纹身分舌,造型时尚前卫。在阿玛的介绍下,路易对蛇舌颇感兴趣。他们一同来到纹身师阿柴(ARATA 饰)的小店,穿钉和纹身的痛楚让路易体验到前所未有的快感,而双性恋且有着虐待欲的阿柴也被眼前这个娇小的女子迷住。和冷峻的甚至有些阴森的阿柴不同,阿玛外表恐怖,而内心温柔。他深爱路易,甚至为了心爱的女人和黑社会分子大打出手,这却为他的悲剧埋下了伏笔……©豆瓣
回复 :第二次世界大战:来自前线是一部感人而创新的六集纪录片系列,它使用了修复的壮观而罕见的二战镜头,其中大部分是由士兵自己拍摄的,创造了一种身临其境的电影体验。