回复 :《再见,老婆》讲述了一对已经结婚五年,开始对彼此产生厌倦感的夫妇,并且因为各自偶遇难忘的旧情人而离婚,在幼稚和遇上各种有趣事件后才发觉对方是真爱的故事。丈夫车胜赫是刚刚结婚时深爱着妻子,但随着时间流逝早已没有了激情,只剩下责任感维持婚姻的男主人公。然而,妻子姜暄雅已经得知单纯还不成熟的丈夫梦想着和初恋情人重逢。于是两人一边同意离婚一边暗中留意对方的动态。一对另类夫妻造就了如此荒唐又浪漫的喜剧故事。
回复 :X战警衍生剧《天赋异禀》确认续订第二季!
回复 :When the pandemic starts, Dona Isadir doesn't think twice about renting out her apartment in Cachambi, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, so she can be closer to her family. She decides unilaterally and without warning to move into the mansion owned by her son Carlos in Barra da Tijuca, much to the dismay of her daughter-in-law, Alice. Her grandchildren, Jonas and Márcia are caught in the crossfire, while the family's longtime employee, Marinez, has a front-row seat to the fireworks. And we haven't even mentioned the parties and cookouts with old friends from Cachambi, namely Fátima and Cezinha.