回复 :佳纯(三浦透子 饰)原先怀抱着成为大提琴手的梦想,但现实中,她和许多人一样,也想转换目前的工作跑道。单身日子过得很惬意的她已到了适婚年龄,母亲开始不停地催婚,帮她安排相亲;身边的人,总是都在说女人结婚是天经地义的事情,尤其是到了三十岁这个年龄关卡。但佳纯从来没和人谈过恋爱,她也没有对任何人有爱的欲望,以至于因此被家人怀疑是个女同志。她巧遇了以前的同学世永真帆(前田敦子 饰),一个当过AV女优、总是勇敢表达自己想法的女孩。真帆不苟同社会给予女性的传统价值观,她鼓励家纯要跳脱典型童话故事的思维,创造属于自己的童话版本。在两人的友谊迅速加深的时候,世永却做了一个意外的决定,同时让佳纯重新思考,拥抱自由自在的自己,为未来做个新起点。
回复 :One day, a buffalo that ran away from a butcher’s runs through the whole village. All men of the village run out to catch the buffalo and make a fuss, while the peaceful village is stained with betrayal, violence, and destruction.
回复 :It's not just about sex. For Flavia Dos Santos, couples intimacy goes beyond an orgasm. The renowned sexologist breaks all the myths and taboos of eroticism. In the midst of laughter, you will learn the deepest secrets to becoming a tiger in bed and give your partner the most pleasant claws. Because when she talks to us about sex, Flavia doesn't mince words.