蓝天A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the observers as they uncover the mystery behind the woman in the chair.
蓝天A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the observers as they uncover the mystery behind the woman in the chair.
回复 :Several romantic stories unfold in a New York hotel the week before Christmas.
回复 :徐妍被比自己还小的宇贤当起了家教老师,第一次见到家教老师宇贤的瞬间就产生了好感,宇贤也对美丽的徐妍颇有好感。徐妍在朋友 敏珠的帮助下成功勾引了宇贤..但太不懂事的敏珠知道徐妍的心思,却自己也接近了宇贤....而且看到敏珠和宇贤的相遇,生气的徐妍对好友敏珠非常生气,为了一个男人而展开的姐妹情仇故事才刚刚开始。
回复 :以处男身份迎来了30岁,从而获得“可以听到触碰之人心声的魔法”的社畜--安达(赤楚卫二)和公司里既受欢迎又有工作能力的同期--黑泽(町田启太)是一对小情侣。天天约会,顺利安稳地过着社内恋爱的幸福日子,突然安达接到了工作调动的消息。安达对于得到能做想做的工作的机会非常开心,但是却是要调去距离东京1200km的长崎。围绕工作调动的事情,因为互相体谅的心情而错过的安达和黑泽。以及,以远距离恋爱为契机而开始思考二人的未来…。究竟,这段恋情会走向何处呢!?