蓝天A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the observers as they uncover the mystery behind the woman in the chair.
蓝天A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the observers as they uncover the mystery behind the woman in the chair.
回复 :消失了六百年的金钱豹重现于世,各色人等为此展开争夺,贪欲、占有、惩罚、情爱交织纠缠。一次抢劫案让徐幻之和章筱雨相遇,在情愫暗生的同时被卷入各种阴谋算计,他们在不断的探寻中知道真相,真相让他们瞠目结舌,他们的爱情与人生会有什么样的改变?
回复 :A rich man leaves all his wealth to his most loved Ex-girlfriend. But at his wake, five exes pay their respects by sharing their wild and naughty moments. Who among them will be his heir?
回复 :Summer(郑秀文 饰)是一个事业型女性,可是她事业跟爱情都失意。她只好来到马来西亚的丹丹岛,那里有一个沙滩是她与表格合资买下来的,刚好传出有财团想收购这个岛,与财团商量卖岛的事之余她还可以度假散心。来到岛上才知道,表哥也因为欠债的问题把半个沙滩的卖给了一个叫么么茶(任贤齐 饰)的当地人。可是么么茶为了可以让喜欢这个沙滩的人继续享受欢乐,不同意把沙滩卖出。Summer只好软硬兼施,在不知不觉之间两人发生了微妙的关系,继而展开了一场浪漫爱情。