回复 :
回复 :Exploring the role and symbolic meaning of the Crown Jewels in the centuries-old coronation ceremony, The Coronation shows these objects of astonishing beauty in new high-resolution footage. The film tells the extraordinary story of St Edward's Crown, which was destroyed after the English Civil War and remade for the Coronation of Charles II in 1661. It has only been worn by Her Majesty once, at the moment she was crowned.On 2 June 1953, on one of the coldest June days of the century and after 16 months of planning, The Queen set out from Buckingham Palace to be crowned at Westminster Abbey, watched by millions of people throughout the world. A ceremony dating back more than a thousand years was to mark the dawn of a new Elizabethan age.Viewing both private and official film footage, The Queen recalls the day when the weight of both St Edward's Crown and the hopes and expectations of a country recovering from war were on her shoulders, as the nation looked to their 27 year-old Queen to lead them into a new era.In the film, The Queen says: 「I've seen one Coronation, and been the recipient in the other, which is pretty remarkable.」For audiences unfamiliar with the story of the Crown Jewels and the regalia, the film explains their contemporary relevance to the UK as a nation and to the enduring purpose and the work of monarchy. They are symbols of the relationship between the Sovereign and the people, and the duties and responsibilities of leadership.The film also features eyewitness accounts of those who participated in the 1953 Coronation, including a maid of honour who nearly fainted in the Abbey, and a 12 year-old choirboy who was left to sing solo when his overwhelmed colleagues lost their voices.
回复 :宇宙世紀0079、地球連邦とジオン公国が戦った一年戦争の末期、サイド4のスペースコロニー群、ムーアはジオン軍の攻撃により破壊され、多くの住人が命を落とした。破壊されたコロニーや、撃沈された戦艦の残骸が無数に漂う暗礁宙域では、ぶつかり合い帯電したデブリによって絶えず稲妻が閃くようになり、いつしかそこは、『サンダーボルト宙域』と呼ばれるようになった。ムーア市民の生き残りで構成された地球連邦軍所属部隊、ムーア同胞団は、故郷であったサンダーボルト宙域の奪還を悲願とし、宙域のジオン軍を殲滅せんとしていた。連邦の進軍を足止めせんとするジオン軍も、義肢兵の戦闘データ採取を目的に設立されたリビング・デッド師団を展開。ムーア同胞団に所属しながら、故郷や自身の出自に束縛される事を疎ましく思うイオ・フレミングと、過去の戦闘により両足を失い、今はリビング・デッド師団でエーススナイパーとして活躍するダリル・ローレンツは、戦場で対峙した時、互いに悟るのだった。ふたりは、殺し合う宿命なのだと……。