回复 :《安多》系列将从《星球大战》星系的新视角展开探索,聚焦卡西安·安铎探索他所能带来的改变的旅程。这部剧讲述了反抗帝国的叛乱的故事,以及人类和行星是如何卷入其中的。这是一个充满危险、欺骗和阴谋的时代,卡西安将走上一条注定要把他变成反叛英雄的道路。迭戈·卢娜饰演卡西安·安多尔回归,与她一起回归的还有演员吉纳维芙·奥莱利、斯特兰Skarsgård、阿德里亚·阿约纳、丹尼斯·高夫和凯尔·索勒。执行制片人是Kathleen Kennedy, Sanne Wohlenberg, Diego Luna和Michelle Rejwan。托尼·吉尔罗伊(Tony Gilroy)是该剧的主创和制片人。
回复 :故事聚焦英国女演员Noele Gordon,朋友称她为Nolly,在世时就已经成为家喻户晓的传奇。她在ITV长期播出的热门肥皂剧《十字路口 Crossroads》中饰演一头火红秀发的寡妇Meg Richardson,是英国最有名的人之一。然而在1981年,剧集和Nolly名声都处于巅峰的时候,在没有任何警告和解释的情况下,她被粗鲁地解雇了。老板一句"好景不常",Noele发现自己就被赶出了这部待了18年的剧集。
回复 :With no immediate family to live for, Joseph is haunted by a past he has tried, for decades, to forget - if not actively obscure with drink and drugs. Suffering the hangover from hell - the dry spell over - he walks away from his present life and boards a boat bound for Ireland to confront hazy, fear-inducing memories from a childhood spent in the care system that he's had to forget. Emotionally and physically wrecked, Joseph reunites with an incredulous Anna (Helen Behan, This is England '88 and '90), the sister he hasn't seen since childhood. Anna persuades her wary husband Michael (Frank Laverty; Michael Collins) to let Joseph stay and give him work in the family-owned building company. There, Joseph is forced to directly confront the demons of his past when he comes face to face with Craigy (Mark O'Halloran), a shadowy figure who is dogged by dark rumors, and who won't leave Joseph alone. Joseph's precarious family reunion is further complicated when he is immediately drawn to ...