回复 :阿富汗国会大选召开在即,为了保证大选的顺利进行,美国海军陆战队联合特种部队对辖区进行一系列彻底的清查。在某个动荡的地区,前塔利班头目艾哈迈德·沙赫趁机做大,成为了一个美国急欲除掉的眼中钉。根据线报,沙赫的武装部队隐藏在某个山区,海豹侦察小队中尉麦克·墨菲(泰勒·克奇 Taylor Kitsch 饰)带领丹尼·迪茨(埃米尔·赫斯基 Emile Hirsch 饰)、麦特·阿克塞尔森(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)以及马库斯·拉特尔(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)三名队员前去搜寻情报。但是他们的行踪很快被当地的牧羊人发现,虽然对方是普通的平民,可却为小队提出了难题。处决牧羊人,小队将面临军事法庭的审判;释放牧羊人,这四个美国军人将可能陷入前所未有的灭顶之灾中……本片根据马库斯·拉特尔(Marcus Luttrell)的同名回忆录改编。
回复 :Just over 40 years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a capitalist concept and was not allowed during this period. Wedding photography (if any at all) consisted of one black and white passport photo of the couple (dressed in Mao- style outfits) as proof of the marriage. Now, China has fallen in love with love and its exploding wedding industry is worth 80 billion dollars, and it is on an upward curve. Pre-wedding photography is one of the most significant and curious parts of the industry. Every couple marrying in China will take part in a pre-wedding shoot. It involves several costume and backdrop changes where you can become a character in any fantasy you choose. For the most exotic lo- cations couples pay up to $250,000 AUD. Pre-wedding photo shoots have become an important national ritual. They are proof of the marriage but now also of love, romance, freedom, status, money and the new China Dream. As an expat living in Shanghai with a long history of coming to China, Sinophile photographer Olivia Mar- tin-McGuire was captivated by the construction of dreams through this booming photographic world. Once she started to delve deeper into this new traditional she found a unique window into China. One that revealed a country dreaming, a country rapidly booming and a country reconstructing its recent past trauma all through their own lens. China Love takes us on a wild journey into the warmth of the family web in China into the hearts of our characters and into their personal dreams with an understanding of why and where these aspirations come from. The project explores China's new position as a globalised country from its restrictive and highly traditional past - through the window of its booming wedding industry and asks what is the new China Dream when it comes to love.
回复 :一对头脑简单四肢也不发达的狐朋狗友,在山穷水尽吃空气之际,惊喜地发现后备箱里出现了一只巨大无比的苍蝇。于是他们决定尽己所能驯化这只珍奇异蝇,为己所用视为己出,招摇撞骗梦想发财。鬼才导演昆汀·杜皮约继《鹿皮》之后的最新荒诞喜剧力作,更有阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯颠覆女神形象疯癫出镜。撕掉沉重的吊诡标签,随巨蝇宝贝儿满载笑声自由飞翔,来一场轻松愉悦的怪奇之旅。