怪兽Using unexpected canvasses, JR's intention is to give a global voice to everyday people through a genre-blending combination of public art, photography and large format spectacle.
怪兽Using unexpected canvasses, JR's intention is to give a global voice to everyday people through a genre-blending combination of public art, photography and large format spectacle.
回复 :布鲁塞尔法官格鲁维兹正调查一起 20 年前的谋杀案,在多位刑警的协助下,格鲁维兹锁定了四名嫌犯,然而,其他案件亦待她处理,偷窃、家暴、杀婴⋯⋯。纪录片团队直观地进入法官的日常,不仅捕捉格鲁维兹亦庄亦谐的审理风格,她独特的性格,让圣塞巴斯蒂安影展破例颁予她最佳女主角奖特别提及。
回复 :A year after the death of his wife, a man enlists her sister to help him bring her back.
回复 :闊別大銀幕14年,大長今李英愛強勢回歸,飾演一位瀕臨崩潰邊緣的母親,誓要尋回被擄走的兒子。兒子失蹤6年,赫然傳來疑是孩子下落的消息,母親決定隻身走到漁村,希望找出一個被黑道家族控制的小孩,查看他是否失散多年的兒子。奈何冷血的惡人想把孩子留下當生財工具,將她拒諸於門外。母親唯有在雷雨交加的晚上,以極端手段再闖虎穴。首次執導的金勝友,營造張力到家,描繪由心而發的暴力,教人觸目驚心