下山In 2017, University of Illinois scholar Yingying Zhang goes missing and a suspect’s girlfriend works with the FBI to go under cover and secretly record a conversation that ultimately cracks the case.
下山In 2017, University of Illinois scholar Yingying Zhang goes missing and a suspect’s girlfriend works with the FBI to go under cover and secretly record a conversation that ultimately cracks the case.
回复 :安东尼•齐默是洗黑钱高手,但他手法高超,警方想方设法也无法将其抓获。而另外一个似乎毫不相关的浪漫故事在法国南部上演。弗朗索瓦(伊万•阿达勒Yvan Attal 饰)刚刚与女友分手,坐在开往蓝色海岸的火车上,旅游散心。怎料一段艳遇完美上演——风情万种的吉雅拉(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)上前搭讪,邀他共度周末。短暂的浪漫过后,吉雅拉无故失踪。弗朗索瓦千里寻芳踪,在辗转反复的寻找过程中,他发现了吉雅拉不可告人的秘密。可是,更大的秘密,恐怕是安东尼和弗朗索瓦自己的故事……
回复 :作为巴希瓦舞团艺术指导的以色列编舞大师欧根•纳哈林被《纽约时报》评价为“世界上最重要的编舞人之一”,影片耗时八年制作,历数纳哈林在以色列集体社区度过的童年与青年时代、在军队文艺团进行的滑稽表演、在纽约开始的无名生涯以及同时收获的动人婚姻,同时也包括其遭遇的生理障碍和以色列政治风波。将私密的彩排影像与大量未曝光档案和绝美演出片段作为基础,呈现这名侧重于舞者思维想象而非表演本身的“嘎嘎”语言的发明者的多面人生。(小易甫字幕组)
回复 :True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality shows public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson's struggle to create greater fairness in the legal system and demonstrates how racial injustice emerged, evolved and continues to threaten the country, challenging viewers to confront it.