  时间:2025-01-18 03:33:06

南宁The four vampires of the residence gather to discuss what they should do with Guillermo, who killed the Vampire Council. Laszlo is happy that they're fine, but Nadia isn't so sure. She figures that Guillermo is Nandor's responsibility, but he points out that Guillermo did it to save them. Colin doesn't care, and Nadia and the Doll insist that they have to kill Guillermo. Nandor reminds them that they're still in danger, and the Council will send more assassins and only Guillermo can protect them.Nandor figures that they should slumber on it. Guillermo's bell rings from the basement, and they go down to check on Guillermo. It's been a month since they imprisoned him and haven't decided Guillermo's fate, and they go to Guillermo's cell. Guillermo says that his bathroom bucket is empty. Colin offers to empty it so he can see if Guillermo is sending out secret messages.Nadia throws raw chicken at Guillermo so he can eat, and Guillermo says that he wouldn't kill them. He reminds that he saved their lives, and he asks if they've just procrastinating without him. Colin uses a cattle prod and shocks himself, and Guillermo yells that he just wants to protect themOnce the vampires leave, Guillermo talks to the camera crew and admits that there's good wifi in the basement. He shows them around his cell, and figures the vampires can't do anything without him. He shows that he can get out, and explains that he's been sneaking out while his captors slumber. Guillermo goes upstairs and keeps the house functioning, and the vampires don't notice because they think it happens automatically. Guillermo then goes to a diner to eat, and admits that he's co-dependent.Guillermo returns to his cell before everyone wakes up, and listens as the vampires discuss his fate. When they hear him move, Guillermo returns to his cell and locks himself up. Nandor comes down and asks how his familiar is holding out, and admits that it's likely they'll kill Guillermo.The familiar says that he's a soldier and lives by the code of the warrior. Nandor agrees and brings more raw chicken for Guillermo. The vampire then goes, turning the lights on.Guillermo has put up security camera to keep an eye on the vampires, and sees bats circling the house. Colin reports that Guillermo isn't sending out secret messages but will continue to check Guillermo's bucket.A vampire enters the room as mist. Guillermo runs in and kills it. The female vampire, the Guide, survives, and says that she isn't there to kill anyone. She congratulates Guillermo on being a vampire-hunter, and says that they hadn't heard from them but sent 87 ravens as messengers. They also tried to use the telephone, but it's Guillermo's job to answer the phone and he was locked up.The Guide says that the Supreme Worldwide Vampiric Council has sent her to show them a VCR with their message. After they chain up Guillermo, the Guide plays the tape. The Head of the Council applauds them for eliminating 70% of the most powerful vampires in the Tri-State area. The Head reminds them that the law is that vampires do not kill vampires. The Council figures the four vampires know how to get things done, so they've been appointed the leaders of the Eastern Seaboard Vampiric Council. The Council will be monitoring them.The Guide tells the vampire that she has assisted every Council since 1769, and she's honored to assist them. The next night, she'll take them to the Council building.Colin brings Guillermo to them, and Nandor says that their final decision about Guillermo is that they won't kill him for now. They've decided to make Guillermo a fully-fledged member of the team, but not a vampire. Instead they're going to make him a vampires' bodyguard. Guillermo takes it rather than die, and the vampires accept Guillermo's acceptance.Before the vampires remove the chains from Guillermo, they use four-way hypnosis on him and Laszlo warns that the odds of Guillermo being mentally stable afterward are slim. Guillermo agrees, and they try to hypnotize him.Guillermo tells the film crew that after years of the vampires hypnotizing him, he's immune to vampiric hypnosis. He just lets them think they can hypnotize him.The vampires hypnotize Guillermo to never harm them, and he plays along when he comes out of his "trance".The next night, the Guide takes the group to the local Council building and shows them around. Wraith Dancers come in and give the vampires their Council Robes, and asks which one will assume the Master's Throne. The Guide explains that only one of them can be Supreme Leader. Everybody but Laszlo argues who should be the Supreme Leader.by:www.tuikan.cc




回复 :咸丰年间,大清国的茶叶出口,使中英贸易长期处于逆差之中,极大地损害了英国的利益。维多利亚女王为扭转局面,特别命令英国驻印度总督达尔豪西侯爵,派遣植物学家麦金农潜入中国,盗取茶树种苗和茶树种子以及招募中国的种茶工人。此时,太平军兴,两广震荡,朝廷大乱。湖南茶叶巨子,天泉茶庄少东家胡英与其兄胡嘉宝自北京返回湖南安化老家为其父祝寿。因误中奸人诡计,致使寿宴之日,满门遭难,胡英意外保全性命。麦金农从英国驻上海总领事处得知胡英下落,历尽千辛万苦救出他来,并带他连同茶树种苗一起偷渡出海,到了喜马拉雅山南麓的印度阿萨河谷,聘任胡英为茶叶总买办。胡英施展绝技,帮英国人种植茶叶大获成功。但胡英不愤英国皇家骑兵欺负同胞,遂杀死英人,逃回新疆。于是,围绕一场中英茶商斗法,铺开了胡英寻仇探秘之路。国仇家难、情天恨海集于一身,从洞庭湖畔到昆仑山下,上演了一幕幕人间罕见的情仇悲喜剧。



回复 :该剧是英剧《摩斯探长》的续篇,于2006-2015年在ITV播出,共九季33集,每集约90分钟,其中从2013年的第七季开始每集在ITV1首播时被拆分为上下两部分连续两周播出,然而在重播时以及在美国PBS电视台播出时依旧作为整集播出。该剧将背景设置在学术气息浓郁的牛津,剧中很多含有隐喻的诙谐对白在外国文学爱好者看来会别有趣味,同时延续摩斯系列侧重通过案件展示各色人生和命运悲剧的特色,凶手被揭露后通常会有一幕对手戏将矛盾推至高潮,尘埃落定后缓和而带有希望的片尾曲又形成鲜明映衬,让人感叹命运无常及人的渺小,同时又看到光明的希望。该剧多位编剧也曾参与ITV版大侦探波洛和马普尔小姐系列剧的改编。by:meijubar.net



回复 :何天心容貌清秀可人,个性叛逆,热心助人,活泼可爱,天不怕地不怕。从父亲所留之医书里学到粗浅的耆黄之术,在民间有『小华陀』之称号。为学正统宫廷医术,决心乔装成男医士,进宫习医。好打抱不平的个性让她结识了假太监张哲三和皇帝朱历,三人一同经历了镇南王叛变和汪公公的迫害,每每都凭自己过人的机智和高超的针灸医术度过难关。平时与张哲三打打闹闹,丝毫不查自己对张哲三的爱意,直到张哲三保护自己而遭砍伤,这才让天心发现,两人早在不知不觉间互相爱慕。被知晓女儿身身分后,皇上屡次为自己解危,但心系张哲三的天心,只能将皇上当成好兄弟,因为那独一无二的爱情,已经给了张哲三。但张哲三却因阴错阳差没当上护卫,而转为太监,但没想到执刀从未失手的净身员刘一刀,当天因为天心配错了药,而头昏眼花,竟然一刀落下刺中张哲三的大腿而非命根子。幸亏刘一刀一时失手,但张哲三从此也成了假太监~小三子。在陪同天心回乡替穷苦民众免费诊疗后,渐对这平时古灵精怪的天心改观,甚至产生好感,屡次不顾性命也要守护天心。因镇南王事件戴罪立功,哲三恢复男儿身,成为御前带刀侍卫,因某次救了游湖溺水的水灵公主,令水灵公主芳心暗许。在得知皇上对天心的爱慕之意,自觉身分配不起天心,便将自身感情隐藏心底,却不知这样若即若离的态度,同时牵动着天心和水灵公主。在得知天心为女儿身的身分后,故意加以隐瞒。天心过人的机智和勇气,不但替皇上拢络了宫中人心,也使皇上逐渐为她倾心。当皇上发现张哲三对天心有情时,不顾太后反对,执意要立天心为后,而三人之间的关系渐渐起了微妙的变化……另一方面,汪公公发现皇上与因有天心、张哲三相助,在朝中势力逐渐巩固,因此便与镇南王密谋伪造天文凶象,企图逼皇上退位。羽翼未丰的皇上,能顾全天心、张哲三,并拿回实权吗?

