回复 :约翰·利特高(《王冠》)饰演福克斯新闻创始人之一、前董事长罗杰·艾尔斯,塞隆饰演前福克斯新闻主持人梅根·凯利,妮可饰演前主持人格雷琴·卡尔森,罗比饰演一个虚构角色、名叫Kayla Pospisil的助理制片人,珍妮饰演艾尔斯的律师Susan Estrich,马尔科姆·麦克道威尔(《发条橙》《罗马帝国艳情史》)饰演鲁伯特·默多克,布里盖特·伦迪·佩恩(《非典型少年》《缩小人生》)饰演Julia Clarke,丽芙·休森(《小镇滋味》《忽然七日》)饰演梅根·凯利的助手Lily,霍尔姆饰演主持人Martha MacCallum,是艾尔斯的捍卫者,加雷特饰演主持人Sean Hannity,一直将艾尔斯视为第二个父亲,称其为“美国最伟大爱国战士”之一。艾尔斯掌管福克斯新闻外,也是是共和党的风云人物,曾帮助选举了理查德·尼克松、罗纳德·里根和乔治·布什三个美国总统,也帮助发展了Sean Hannity、梅根·凯利、格雷琴·卡尔森等著名主持人的职业生涯。2016年,因被多名女性指控骚扰,艾尔斯被迫辞职,凯利和卡尔森在其中起到重要作用。新闻台尝试向凯利试压,强迫她出面支持艾尔斯,被她拒绝。
回复 :杰瑞•莫里恩(金•凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)是住在巴黎一位穷困潦倒的美国画家,通过朋友钢琴手亚当(奥斯卡•莱文特 Oscar Levant 饰),杰瑞结识了一位当红法国歌手亨利(乔治•盖塔瑞 George Guétary 饰)。不久杰瑞被一位富有的夫人麦络(妮娜•福煦 Nina Foch 饰)赏识并资助作画,但他却爱上了百货店的年轻售货员丽丝(莱斯利•卡伦 Leslie Caron 饰)。然而出乎意料的是,丽丝竟然是亨利的女友,不知情的亨利还劝杰瑞要勇于争取爱情。所有的矛盾在一次盛大的黑白舞会中聚集激化,杰瑞得知丽丝将要嫁给亨利的消息后最后一次幻想二人在浪漫巴黎歌舞翩翩。然而真挚的爱情就这样永远逝去么?本片获1951年奥斯卡最佳影片,最佳艺术效果,最佳摄影,最佳服装设计,最佳配乐,最佳剧本六项大奖。
回复 :After her brother was killed by a notorious all-female pirate gang, Morag dedicates her life to bringing the murderers to justice. Soon, she has become an important member of the pirate gang and has begun acquiring the loyalty of key members. Eventually, she makes her move and challenges the leader, a demi-god (literally), known as "The Daughter of the Sun." The story of Noroit is based on an early 17th-century tragedy by Cyril Tourneur, and, though it is only the third one filmed, the movie is the concluding episode in a four-part series by director Jacques Rivette.“With NOROÎT, Jacques Rivette has joined Federico Fellini as one of the great autobiographical surrealists of the cinema” (John Hughes). Based on the bloody Jacobean play, “The Revenger's Tragedy,” and influenced by samurai films, Fritz Lang, and Samuel Fuller, NOROÎT was shot in a fifteenth-century chateau and a twelfth-century seaside fortress, and stars Geraldine Chaplin as the ghostly Morag, out to avenge the death of her brother who was murdered by a group of women pirates. With its emphasis on ritual, fantasy, and spectacle, “NOROÎT contains the most beautiful images and sounds of any Rivette film” (Jonathan Rosenbaum, Sight & Sound ).