喝奶Airing on FX from 3 April 2007 to ???
喝奶Airing on FX from 3 April 2007 to ???
回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 15Episode # Air Date# Guests15-01 20/Sep/04 Randy, Matt Goss, Preston, Shystie15-02 27/Sep/04 Eos, Dave Bartram, Har Mar Superstar, Leigh Marklew15-03 04/Oct/04 Louis Walsh, Ben Ofoedu, Jason Donovan, Lara McAllen15-04 11/Oct/04 Lisa Scott-Lee, Toyah Wilcox, Larry Hibbitt, Nick Atkinson15-05 18/Oct/04 Joe Brown, Buster Bloodvessel, Shola Ama, Nicole Russo15-06 25/Oct/04 Katie Melua, Jane McDonald, Aaron Gilbert, Michelle Gayle15-07 20/Dec/04 Christmas Special
回复 :这是一部充满未来主义和阴谋论的悬疑剧集,故事发生在一个虚构的乌托邦世界中——由于女人们再也无法生育,人类即将彻底灭绝。科学家通过努力成功让100个胚胎受精,于是一场挑选「代孕母亲」的全国性海选行动拉开帷幕。随着这一科学突破的真相逐渐浮出水面,矛盾冲突、黑暗秘密和看不见的黑手也逐渐显露端倪。无论政府还是强权势力,他们都觊觎一样当代人最羡慕的东西——组建一个家庭的权利。Michael Graziadei扮演正在戒酒的酒鬼、单身父亲Kyle,他的孩子是这个国家最后一个通过母体出生的正常婴儿。Lesley-Ann Brandt扮演渴望得到孩子的美国士兵Casey,她决定参加海选行动,抓住一切机会当上母亲。Louise Lombard扮演曾经自由奔放的艺术家Tori,现在是华盛顿的著名作家,也是政坛的实权人物。她的话对当前的舆论有很强的导向作用,甚至能直接影响总统。Marley Sheldon扮演该剧的主人公Alison Scott医生,一位聪明绝顶的生育专家,她获得一项重大「科学突破」——当全球所有女人都无法怀孕的时候,她成功培育出100个受精卵。她认为自己找到了挽救人类的方法,却没有料到自己卷入一场生死危局。David Alpay扮演Alison Scott的同事、实验室助理James。Martin Donovan扮演「美国生育委员会主任」Darius Hayes,一个老谋深算的政客。他总认为自己是在做大善事,而他为了达到目的愿意使用任何手段。Salli Richardson-Whitfield扮演美国第一夫人Gabrielle,拼命想要让自己怀上一个孩子。
回复 :George falls for the cute guy she's assigned to train at Happy Time, much to Delores' chagrin. Mason's reap at a children's birthday party turns out to be his worst experience ever.