回复 :主人公殷浩然是家族企业殷家酒业的唯一继承人,而他本人却痴迷于音乐之路反对红酒文化毫不感冒。市场竞争的加剧和殷家酒业的墨守陈规导致了企业的生存危机,掌门人殷老爷子经不起打击一病不起。殷浩然临危受命,违背自己的初 衷承担了家族的重任,却也在学习葡萄酒知识、管理企业的过程中意外收获了新的乐趣和悄然而至的爱情。
回复 :晨曦细雨,宁静的街道,阿珍与阿PAUL一夜缠绵之后,阿PAUL向她吐出心中秘密,原来阿PAUL不是到巴黎读书,而是与青梅竹马的女友到巴黎移民开食馆,阿珍非常伤心,赶走阿PAUL,但心有不甘追下街,阿PAUL以为阿珍依依不舍,追来痴缠,阿珍出其不意,夺回阿PAUL手中雨伞,说自己的东西,不再信人,然后,将雨伞挥...
回复 :Bronco Billy McCoy is the proud owner of a small traveling Wild West show. But the business isn't doing too well: for the past six months he hasn't paid his employees. At a gas station he picks up Antoinette, a stuck-up blonde from a rich family, who was left behind without a penny by her husband on their wedding night. Billy likes her looks and hires her as his assistant. She seems to bring them bad luck and the business gets even worse. In these hard times she loses her reluctance and starts to like her new way of life... and Bronco Billy. Written by Tom Zoerner